The Devolution of the United Nations

and Our Unsustainable Development.

By Mary Otto-Chang

The foundations of a dystopian nightmare are being laid.

By Mary Otto-Chang HBA, MES, PhD (Candidate)

The 100 Anniversary Initiative of the United Nations,[1] along with the United Nations Academic Impact Group [2]and the Boston Global Forum,[3] have prepared a global plan for Humanity.  This 257 page document [4] is titled Remaking the World in the Age of Global Enlightenment. This plan, in the form of a book,  includes original documents, speeches and remarks delivered at conferences organized or co-organized by Boston Global Forum, and “white papers” on concepts and principles for AI and the Digital Age. It has been organized into two sections. The first addresses the standards that should govern the development and use of AI and digital technology. The second explores what is needed to create a reimagined world.  This same trio of organizations have been working for years with some of the key globalist architects and have prepared for all of Humanity  a “Social Global Contract” , a “Global Alliance for Digital Governance” , a project for “AI World Society Cities to Rebuild Ukraine”, and  a “Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital Development”,  among many other initiatives.   

This AI World Society is the Globalist’s Endgame, and far beyond the Transhumanist agenda of the Fourth Industrial Revolution[5], venturing into the Posthumanist era. The vision driven by the UN and the WEF, via the common links of the Boston Global Forum, to lock the whole world into a transhumanist eternal nightmare called the “AI World Society,” where Humanity will be referred to as “digital citizens” with digital copies of themselves as Avatars in the Metaverse, and introducing a “Social Contract” that determines the rules of how people are to live their lives in line with the UN’s SDG’s.  AI will be at the helm in what can only be described as the AI Apocalypse, utilising the WBAN to enslave humanity.   The target date for this devolutionary transformation is 2045, the 100 year anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. This is not a joke and this is not a test. This is real.

And yet, why have you-  the reader- most likely not even heard of these obscure organizations and their stratospherically arrogant ideas for the eradication of Humankind as we know it and as we were created.   These plans are still on the drawing board to some extent and somewhat up the pipeline, and their leaders remain in the shadows of this future-oriented dawn of globalist strategy.

But the foundations of this dystopian nightmare, are being laid out now as these words are written, and gathering momentum through corruption and compromise at the highest levels, like tumbleweeds of horror, straggling over a barren desert, dearth of any moral ground whatsoever.  

Indeed most people however will have heard of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals[6] or SDG’s as they are called for short.  Again what many have not heard of though, are the World Economic Forum’s goals of their Fourth Industrial Revolution (4th IR) “project”.  The SDG’s are a front really for the interior workings of the high tech 4thIR, which is the technological side of making us “hackable Human animals”[7]

Until 2019, the United Nations was still the United Nations and the World Economic Forum was still the World Economic Forum (WEF).  If the Earth could have stood still, it would have, on the 13 of June, 2019, as this was the day that money married governance.  The world of money, as represented by the WEF and the world of governance, as headed by the United Nations became one, in an unholy wedlock of a partnership framework agreement. [8]

Custodians of Climate Change and the Global Coup d’Etat

Without detailing the changes within the global institutional framework, a holistic understanding of global climate governance cannot be reached.  As such, subsequent technical discussions arise within an informed context.

In 1988, the UN established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).  Its task, was to “prepare a comprehensive review and recommendations with respect to the state of knowledge of the science of climate change; the social and economic impact of climate change, and potential response strategies and elements for inclusion in a possible future international convention on climate.” [9]  In 1990, as the first IPCC Assessment Report was published, international fora finally had the scientifically and collaboratively driven and formally recognized evidence needed to proceed.  The 1992 Earth Summit lay the groundwork for the UN Framework for the Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC) which was created as an overarching legal framework guiding the annual meetings of its working body, the Conference of the Parties (COP).  In 1994, UNFCCC was operational and in 1995, in Berlin, Germany, COP 1 was held. 

Consequently, legacies of hours, amongst the thousands of COP participants, backed by IPCC’s scientific findings, along with efforts from literally countless organizations from civil society and NGO’s, academia, and other scientific and private sector bodies, have resulted in the Paris Accord.  The Paris Accord, also known as the Paris Agreement, is a landmark event in addressing climate change. It is a legally binding international treaty, which was adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 in Paris, in 2015, entering into force in 2016.  To achieve the Accord’s main long term goal, which is to limit global warming to well below two degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels, countries plan to reach global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible in order to achieve atmospheric balance in GHG’s by 2050. “The Paris Agreement is…, a binding agreement which brings all nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects.” [10]

Since 2015, significant changes, in terms of the global custodians of climate change – and of sustainable development also – have occurred.  Although the UN and partner entities have collaborated with private sector organizations for decades to varying degrees, including the establishment of the UN Office for Partnerships[11]and the UN Global Compact,[12]  amongst many other efforts, June 2019, marked the beginning of a full working partnership between the United Nations and the World Economic Forum towards the UN’s Agenda 2030, which acts as an overarching umbrella of the globally derived at Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), which are overseen by the UN. Importantly the UN/WEF Partnership Agreement states that there  will also be “collaboration  between  the  UN  and  Forum to  meet  the  needs  of  the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”[13]  Prior to this new public/private sector international governance structure, the global climate dialogue and negotiations were undertaken within a solely intergovernmental arena, advised by a highly recognized science and academic community, supported by the regular bilateral and multilateral donor communities, regular international financial institutions, and associated funds established with member state knowledge and democratically voted upon agreement, with all deliberations understood to be fully recorded and fully transparent.  Although this new merger gives the long needed financial backing to address climate change, which has always been sorely lacking, the decision making authority has also been changed. As King Charles III, then Prince Charles, poignantly proclaimed at the Convention of Parties (COP 26), Glasgow, 2021, “We also know that countries… simply cannot afford to go green. Here we need a vast military style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector, with trillions at its disposal far beyond global GDP, and with the greatest respect, beyond even the governments of the world’s leaders.” [14]Although the new architecture of the global governance landscape has largely gone unnoticed by the masses, many who are aware, remain most concerned about this highest level of formal global collaboration between the world of money and the world of power. The fact that the WEF, founded in 1971, now has literally hundreds of alumni from its Young Global Leaders[15] program situated in key governmental posts, along with thousands more in their ongoing leadership programs as well as in top private sector positions, further separates things from the ideals and tenets of transparent democratic governance. Changes within the UN System, along with a multitude of new structures and processes, acting mainly as bridging mechanisms are already established and enable this new global level public/private partnership.

Harris Gleckman, PhD, former head of the NY office of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development states, “This strategic agreement is a coup for the corporate leaders at Davos, but what does it offer the UN and the international community? This gives some of the most controversial corporations unprecedented access to the heart of the UN, yet it has not even been properly discussed by the UN’s country members and certainly not by the broader public.”[16] Furthermore, the International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, highly condemned the UN/WEF partnership, sending an open letter to the UN Secretary General Mr. António Guterres, expressing deep concerns, stating  “This is a form of corporate capture, which will seriously undermine the mandate of the UN as well as the independence, impartiality and effectiveness of this multilateral body, particularly in relation to the protection and promotion of human rights.”[17] Highly recognized Food First Information and Action Network (FIAN), wrote another open letter, endorsed by over 300 established NGO’s worldwide, stated “The UN’s acceptance of this partnership agreement moves the world toward WEF’s aspirations for multistakeholderism becoming the effective replacement of multilateralism.” [18] It continues, proclaiming the “WEF in their 2010 The Global Redesign Initiative argued that the first step toward their global governance vision is ‘to redefine the international system as constituting a wider, multifaceted system of global cooperation in which intergovernmental legal frameworks and institutions are embedded as a core, but not the sole and sometimes not the most crucial, component.” [19] Gonzalo Berrón, PhD, Associate Fellow, of the Amsterdam based, Transnational Institute, remarked in yet another open letter “This agreement between the UN and WEF formalises a disturbing corporate capture of the UN. It moves the world dangerously towards a privatized and undemocratic global governance” [20].

Whether by design or default, the outcome remains the same and that is the weakening of the role of states in global decision-making, along with elevating the role of a new group of ‘stakeholders’, and thus turning the conventional, and democratically derived multilateral system into a multi-stakeholder system, in which private sector entities are not only part of, but also by far the most powerful players, within these new governing mechanisms. This is a contextual reality underlying and affecting all decision making within the international climate change arena and as such, is foundational understanding to any related discussions. 

What is most concerning about the Great Reset is that this initiative by the World Economic Forum actually looks to entrench the power of those most responsible for the crises we’re facing. In many ways, it’s a trick. It’s a sleight of hand to make sure that things continue as they are; to continue the same.

 That will create further crises, more pandemics, deepen the environmental crisis, deepen inequality and widen existing socio-economic divisions in general. It’s not a Great Reset at all, but a Great Technophile Elitist Global Takeover, by this five year old UN-WEF Industrial Complex.  It is quite a coincidence that so much upheaval has gone on in these same five years, with the same things in so many different countries.  Even though recollections do vary, it sure does look like lockstep.

This global coup d’état that’s been going on silently in so many different sectors has been advancing because there hasn’t been enough information and knowledge about it. And also people haven’t been connecting the dots to see this is happening in every sector. 

So here’s the takeaway, in a nutshell. Just what is Sustainable Development, which is what the Globalists are telling us we are all to be working towards?  The United Nations Development Programme defines Sustainable Human Development as fundamentally expanding peoples choices.[21] So if you see your government lessening your choices, then you know they are not working for sustainable development or for you.

The thing is, inattention to the nefarious plans of the globalist elite will lessen them not.  And the fact that most people just don’t see it, won’t make it go away.  It is actually a situation of au contraire as “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”[22]

[1] https://un100.net/

[2] https://www.un.org/en/academic-impact/page/about-unai

[3] https://bostonglobalforum.org/

[4] https://bostonglobalforum.org/publications/the-age-of-global-enlightenment/

[5] https://www.docdroid.net/DNG1NMW/klaus-schwab-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-2016-pdf

[6] https://sdgs.un.org/goals

[7] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rUIwIuyvu8w

[8] https://weforum.ent.box.com/s/rdlgipawkjxi2vdaidw8npbtyach2qbt

[9] ICCP, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. “History — IPCC.” History — IPCC, 1 Jan. 2022, www.ipcc.ch/about/history.

[10] UN, Framework Convention for Climate Change. “Framework Convention for Climate Change.” Framework Convention for Climate Change PDF, 6 Nov. 2021, unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/sbi2021_L14a1E.pdf.

[11] UN, United Nations. “Homepage | UN Global Compact.” Homepage | UN Global Compact, 22 Sept. 2022, www.unglobalcompact.org.

[12] UN, United Nations. “Home | UN Office for Partnerships.” UN Office for Partnerships, 3 Mar. 2019, unpartnerships.un.org

[13] Mohammed, Amina, and Børge Brende. “UN WEF Partnership Framework.pdf | Powered by Box.” Box, 13 June 2019, weforum.ent.box.com/s/rdlgipawkjxi2vdaidw8npbtyach2qbt.

[14] Sanford, Claire. “Prince Charles COP26 Climate Summit Glasgow Speech Transcript | Rev.” Rev, 18 Sept. 2022, www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/prince-charles-cop26-climate-summit-glasgow-speech-transcript.

[15] Lo, Stephanie. “The Forum of Young Global Leaders.” The Forum of Young Global Leaders, 6 Apr. 2021, www.younggloballeaders.org.

[16] Gleckman, Harris. “WEF Takeover of UN Strongly Condemned.” WEF Takeover of UN Strongly Condemned, 16 Jan. 2020, www.fian.org/en/press-release/article/wef-takeover-of-un-strongly-condemned-2273.

[17] CC, Creative Commons. “Corporate Capture of Global Governance: WEF-UN Partnership Threatens UN System | ESCR-Net.” ESCR-Net, 5 Apr. 2018, www.escr-net.org/news/2019/corporate-capture-global-governance-wef-un-partnership-threatens-un-system.

[18]Guterres, António. “Corporate Capture of Global Governance: The World Economic Forum (WEF)-UN Partnership Agreement Is a Dangerous Threat to UN System | Cognito Forms.” Corporate Capture of Global Governance: The World Economic Forum (WEF)-UN Partnership Agreement Is a Dangerous Threat to UN System | Cognito Forms, 6 Mar. 2021,www.cognitoforms.com/MultistakeholderismActionGroup/CorporateCaptureOfGlobalGovernanceTheWorldEconomicForumWEFUNPartnershipAgreementIsADangerousThreatToUN?fbclid=IwAR0jaqd3fdz2Nl3ndlSl-fbR1mlMwMESKTDX5SlwtN-kwY3eLfQAFq71ujM.

[19] TNI, Transnational Institute. “End The United Nations/World Economic Forum Partnership Agreement.” Transnational Institute, 25 Sept. 2019, www.tni.org/es/art%C3%ADculo/pon-fin-al-acuerdo-de-asociacion-estrategica-entre-las-nacione


[20] Aarol B, Admin. “Hundreds of Civil Society Organizations Worldwide Denounce World Economic Forum´S Takeover of the UN – Friends of the Earth International.” Friends of the Earth International, 2 Oct. 2019, www.foei.org/hundreds-of-civil-society-organizations-worldwide-denounce-world-economic-forums-takeover-of-the-un.

[21] https://www.undp.org/nepal/speeches/human-development-about-expanding-human-choices

[22] Edmund Burke