They have their agenda, we have ours.

While the People of the World are busy living our lives, unelected elites are deciding our futures without our consent. It’s crucial for us to learn what they’re up to and spread the word. Our future depends on it.

POwer has shifted from elected leaders to corporate and private interests.

There is widespread concern within society at large and within the global public sector community especially, regarding a variety of issues pertaining to a change in international governance priorities.  This change has been ongoing for decades and has now emerged far more clearly.   Multi-lateral support via regular democratic structures and processes has been made obsolete with multi-stakeholder support now regular.  Formal partnerships between governmental bodies and corporate and private interests have been established (UN / WEF Full Partnership Agreement- June 2019)[1] and with this merger, power has shifted from democratically elected interests to corporate and private interests. They have power, and they have plans.  Their plans are expressed in their various “agendas”.  It is as simple as that in essence, but tremendously complicated within its history and manifestation.

At the international level these agendas include the UN Sustainable Development Goals, many of which are indeed legitimate development goals.  At the same time, the Sustainable Development Goals (UN) act as a Trojan Horse to usher in the Goals of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (WEF) and ultimately the goals of the Artificial Intelligence World Society (UN and WEF-visa vi the Boston Global Forum.)


AI is now judging Ads by race and other factors. This is a new tool under the Globalists Diversity, Equity, Inclusion--- DEI --- propaganda. As more illegal migrants come in, the more AI will require race and skin tone to match. This is beyond racist and is perverse.
Introducing the Representation Index. It is the new DEI, only it uses AI. The Representation Index gives brands a score to tell customers how "inclusive their ads are—or aren’t."
UN 100 Initiative with the Boston Global Forum - Maria Zeee details this Long Term Plan of the Globalists
The vision driven by the UN to lock the whole world into a transhumanist nightmare coined the “AI World Society,” referring to them as “digital citizens” and introducing a “Social Contract” that determines the rules of how people are to live their lives in line with the UN’s SDG’s, except with AI at the helm in what can only be described as the AI Apocalypse, utilizing the WBAN to enslave humanity.
The End Of Humanity As Planned By The Global Leaders
World leaders, billionaires and organizations like the World Economic Forum publicly state that they want to bring humanity to an end, and enter a new era of neo-humanity, where most people will be replaced by humanoid robots. Everyone else will be forced to become a cyborg: a symbiosis between man and machine, hooked up to the cloud, from where AI will monitor all your thoughts, feelings and actions. It sounds insane, but it's the hard core reality of today, as you can see in this film. Don't miss this, but be informed about what global leaders are planning for your future.
Direct Impact ~ The hidden financial agendas behind Ukraine and AIPAC’s influence on US politics. June 13th, 2024. In today's episode of "Direct Impact," Rick Sanchez explores the underlying motivations behind America's involvement in Ukraine, citing statements from Hungarian leader Victor Orban and US Senator Lindsey Graham that suggest financial interests are at play. Rick also highlights Tucker Carlson’s interview with Congressman Thomas Massie, who discusses the powerful influence of the Israel Lobby, AIPAC, over US politicians. Finally, Rick has a discussion with Kevork Almassian, host of Syriana Analysis, to uncover the reasons behind Syria's ongoing crisis. 25 Minute Video
Discussed is the NWO Tyrannical Control System for humanity ..... They have been behind wars, plandemics, pestilences, Famines, poisoning our food, our water, weaponising the Pharmaceutical Industry, the Medical Industrial Complex, the skies, in fact everything. One hour plus video.
A six minute discussion on food source attacks - focus on Idaho
Vorhies was a Google Engineer for over 8 years before turning whistleblower, downloading 950 pages of internal documents that described a mass censorship regime at Google and delivering these documents to the Department of Justice (DOJ), later providing testimony under oath to the U.S Senate.
Transhumanism, i.e. the fusion of man and machine, is being propagated in the brightest colors by global control centers such as the WEF and the UN as an indispensable further development of mankind. But what threatens those who eat of this “apple“?
The Devolution of the United Nations
The foundations of a dystopian nightmare are being laid.
What's So Great About the Great Reset, Great Taking, Great Replacement, Great Deflation, and Next Great Depression
ZeroHedge Article
The Great Taking
Watch the full Documentary
Connecting the Dots with Matt Ehret and Guest: Mel K
Mel K shares her own views on the pressing issues of globalist control, rights of the people, The United Nations, and political corruption. The discussion includes conspiracy theories about a nefarious "deep state" controlling world events and how to mobilize a patriotic resistance movement to counter it.
Klaus Schwab and His Great Fascist Reset
Understand how Schwab's technocratic fascist vision is also a twisted transhumanist one, which will merge humans with machines in “curious mixes of digital-and-analog life.” in Schwab's word. What are the true motives behind the “Great Reset” and “Fourth Industrial Revolution."
SDG 17 - The Coordinated Arrangement Currently Being Undertaken For Corporations To Own The Planet
Exposing Public-Private partnerships bent on control.
Climate: The Cold Truth
Scientists reveal how climate change is a scam. Watch the full Documentary