What are They spraying in our skies?

Greg Taylor With Mary Otto-Chang

Geoengineering Our Skies while Telling Us Lies

Greg Taylor with Mary Otto-Chang HBA, MES, PhD (Candidate)

The difference between a conspiracy theory and a conspiracy fact is currently, on average, running at about six months or so. For many years a conspiracy theory which has often been laughed at, has been “chemtrails”, those whisps of what we are told are water vapor coming from jet engines high up in the atmosphere. However, “chemtrails” are going to have to move from conspiracy theory to conspiracy fact as governments are now funding geoengineering efforts that include dispersion of chemicals- many of them catastrophically toxic – into the atmosphere.

In recent years, the number of aerial spraying applications, including atmospheric alterations, over urban, residential, and rural areas and wildlands, has substantially increased. The hard facts that dictate the necessity and efficacy of aerial spraying and atmospheric manipulation are seriously flawed. The human rights violations and the environmental impacts of these programs are insurmountable.

Geoengineering is no longer science fiction but science fact and the conspiracy theories of chemtrails are now also conspiracy fact.

In the past week news has emerged that, despite Biden Administration saying it had no plans to conduct geoengineering, the US is engaged in cloud brightening.

Early in April 2024, scientists from the University of Washington started conducting clandestine experiments from former aircraft carrier Hornet in Alameda, California, that involved spraying trillions of particles of salt particles into the atmosphere. The concept is to use salt to make bigger water droplets that make marine clouds brighter and reflect more sunlight away from the Earth.

According to the Smithsonian Magazine “Leading an experiment that was intentionally kept under the radar to minimize public backlash, the team started up a high-powered spraying machine and shot microscopic salt aerosol particles hundreds of feet into the morning air.”

In a response to a question by the New York Times the Biden Administration stated ““The U.S. government is not involved in the Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) experiment taking place in Alameda, CA, or anywhere else.”  Who exactly is funding this project and who gave approval for an experiment with potential for grave consequences to be conducted? It is inconceivable that the US government did not know.

Geoengineering comes with a grave warning. It is a potential existential threat to all life on planet Earth. Too little is known about the consequences of toying with mother nature on such a grand and arrogant scale.

We are constantly bombarded with a narrative that criticizes man’s impact on the environment, that they say leads to climate change. Nature is an extraordinarily complex and delicate system. The slightest imbalance can have catastrophic results. Those same politicians and environmentalists that blame man for climate change are now encouraging exactly what they say man should not do.

They are manipulating nature with little idea of the long-term consequences.  They are also manipulating the truth.

Is geoengineering really happening? Let us see what the trusted legacy media and other hi-brow think tanks say.

The Wall Street Journal on14th February 2024, reported that a number of countries are currently conducting or planning to conduct real life geoengineering experiments. These include an Australian plan to inject salt crystals into low lying clouds to increase their whiteness and reflect more sunlight away from the Earth’s surface; a project in Israel to disperse reflective particles at an altitude of 60,000 feet; and an experiment being planned in Massachusetts that will see 6,000 gallons of sodium hydroxide into the see south of Martha’s vineyard that is hoped will help absorb 20 tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into the ocean. Sodium Hydroxide, for those of you who are unaware, is a highly caustic chemical used regularly for clogged drains, under brand such as Drano.

The Massachusetts experiment is being funded in part by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (“NOAA”) and will require the Environmental Protection Agency to sign off. The American Government is clearly in favor of this geoengineering experiment.

In June 2023, the US Government issued “Congressionally Mandated Research Plan and an Initial Research Governance Framework Related to Solar Radiation Modification. The report was in response to a Congressional directive to the Office of Science and Technology Policy to develop a “solar and other rapid climate interventions” and “research governance framework to provide guidance on transparency, engagement, and risk management for publicly funded wok in solar geoengineering research.” With government backing geoengineering is now a reality.

Whilst the Federal government is funding real life experiments on geoengineering, some states are fighting back. Tennessee this month became the first US state to ban the federal government from participating in geoengineering in the skies above the Volunteer state.

Similar legislation is currently being considered in six other states – Kentucky, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Illinois, South Dakota, and Connecticut.

In Pennsylvania, Doug Mastriano, outlined in a memo to fellow lawmakers that sought to garner support for a bill, his concerns regarding weather modification patents “owned by a combination of Federal Government Agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations, and large multinational corporations.” He continued “Spraying unknown, experimental, and potentially dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere without the consent of the people of Pennsylvania is a clear violation of Article 1, Section 27 of the PA Constitution”.

In New Hampshire House Bill 1700 entitled “Prohibiting the intentional release of polluting emissions, including cloud seeding, weather modification, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency, and microwave radiation and making penalties for violation of such prohibition” is currently being considered.

As state politicians are becoming more aware of the potentially grave consequences of solar geoengineering to their states the Federal response has been lacking, as has a general discussion in the media. In fact, most legacy media continue to scorn those who speak of chemtrails as being conspiracy theorists.

CNN on 12th March 2024, almost a month after the WSJ article mentioned above, stated that chemtrails are just natural water vapor coming from plane engines. The state that “Few serious people would describe themselves as geoengineering advocates.” CNN apparently missed the memo, and are either extremely poor at research or they are plainly gaslighting the public.

Reuters is another organization that deflects from what geoengineering is taking place. September 22, 2023, article looks to fact check an “image of aircraft with trailing smoke not evidence of ‘chemtrails’ “. They never address what it is, but they are quick to tell you what it is not.

The Associate Press gets in on the act as well. An October 22, 2022, article discusses a CNBC story on geoengineering that stated “chemtrails” are real. But as the headline states “CNBC report on climate research did not confirm “chemtrails” theory. Interestingly the story did mention that the White House is looking to find a way to cool the earth through geoengineering, but the AP distinguishes that from proof that there is actual injection of particles into the atmosphere. They state that the technology “is not currently in use.”  They always know how to frame things for the benefit of the powerful.

In academia the gaslighting continues. A Harvard University group looks to debunk chemtrails and calls them a conspiracy theory. The intellectually elite David Keith’s Research Group wants you to think that there is no evidence for the existence of “chemtrails.” They admit that they are “actively developing proposals for field experiments” but that they are not involved in outdoor experiments nor are they aware of any active program to test of implement” solar geoengineering. These experts are clearly not aware of experiments in Israel.

The Royal Aeronautical Society in the UK is also very prominent in its condemnation of chemtrail conspiracists. In an article from April 2023, they call “chemtrails” “fictional” and say they are being confused with iridescent contrails. They distract the geoengineering science fact with allegation of conspiracies involving dispersal of “barium, aluminum, human plasma, spreading the COVID-19 infection, or involuntary vaccines, with the supposed intent of anything from weather manipulation, population control, spreading pandemics or psychological control”. A year is clearly a very long time in science. The truth is that geoengineering to manipulate the weather is a reality, just read the US government’s paper and look at what is happening in Israel.

As news elites and scientists try to distract with stories that try to suggest that nothing is being pumped into the atmosphere, another angle is to censor dissenting voices. This is exactly what a 2020 paper in the Missouri Law Review by Charles R Corbett suggests. In his paper “Chemtrail and Solar Geoengineers: Governing Online Conspiracy Theory Misinformation,” Corbett “explains how chemtrail content complicates public deliberation on solar geoengineering and, by extension, hurts the legitimacy of research activities” and proposes how to overcome misinformation by online limits to free speech. For a subject that could lead to the downfall of humanity Corbett proposes a path that would lead to greater secrecy and less transparency.

It is striking how conspiracy theory so quickly moves to Google Fact Check False – when the overlords of government and media are the one controlling the narrative. Today there is a case of the legacy wag the dog media running cover stories for them, as the emperors wearing no clothes, sit watching and writing them cheques. If they do not push outright lies, they distract as does a magician. As you watch the hand they want you to see, the real action is taking place in the other hand you do not notice.

With the lack of transparency from the Federal government and multinational corporations involved in geoengineering, not to mentioned private pilots getting paid for dispersal too, and the way in which legacy media unifies to protect them, the odds would seem to be that they are doing the opposite of what they say. Recent examples of government lies and cover-ups aided and abetted by mainstream media include COVID and the southern invasion.

As COVID played out the media was happy to go along with so many stories put out by the government including that there was no gain of function experiments for which the US government was involved. Lo and behold just a few years later and we now know that gain of function experiments, funded by the US Government, were being conducted on corona viruses.

Secretary Mayorkas has been quick to say that the border is secure and that there is no crisis despite upwards of ten million “asylum seekers” flooding in over the past few years. The mainstream media has been happy to go along with that fairy tale.

Can we trust the US government to be honest and transparent on a subject as important as geoengineering? Can we expect the media to be objective and hold truth to power? On the evidence of recent times the answer is a resounding “no”.

Whilst our current national leaders ignore the threats from geoengineering, there are things that regular people can do. The first thing is to get educated on the subject from independent sources rather than the mainstream media.

OCOC recommends evidenced based Geoengineering Watch (www.geoengineeringwatch.org).

Share your findings with friends and family. Place important stories on social media. Think about handing out flyers highlighting the dangers of geoengineering.

People should demand that their state representatives ban weather modification just like Tennessee has. Find out what your local leaders’ positions are on geoengineering activities in your state and hold them to account. Lobby politicians until they stand up for your rights.

Policy recommendations to requests from your government representatives:

  • A permanent ban on all aerial spraying that is not requested by individual

property owners.

  • Repeal U.S. Title 50 Chapter 32 Sec. 1520A, which allows humans to be

subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents without their knowledge

or consent.

  • Adopt a section of the Precautionary Principal into law which states that

chemicals must be proven safe and effective before they are given

permission for use.

  • Eliminate corporate personhood.
  • Hold individuals, corporations, and agencies accountable for their actions.
  • Administer swift and severe punishment for violators.
  • Ban all human experimentations without the express written consent of the



Community activism is essential to combat this insidious threat. People can hold community meetings and events to discuss and educate on geoengineering. We need rigorous debate on the potential for severe outcomes from geoengineering. Host a discussion with local politicians and scientists. Start petitions to demand action to stop geoengineering in your state.

At Our Country, Our Choice we are assisting getting the messages out for American and international dedicated scientists, researcher and others who are moving forward with action to mitigate geoengineering. https://noglobalism.com/weather/

Our website has continually updated articles and links that can help educate you. OCOC has growing influence throughout the US and the menacing threat from geoengineering is one of our prime focuses. OCOC recommends Geoengineering Watch as a top website.


Become a member of OCOC to understand more about this and many other important topics.





Climate Cultists Conduct Secret Geoengineering Experiment in San Francisco Bay (legalinsurrection.com)

A Secretive Experiment Released Salt Crystals Over San Francisco Bay—Could It Help Curb Warming? | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine

Scientists just test-fired a cloud device over American soil with the ultimate aim of blocking sunlight – Patriot Daily Press
































