No Globalism Special Quarterly Edition – June 2024

Greg Taylor With Mary Otto-Chang

“Chanchos” on the Loose

Greg Taylor with Mary Otto-Chang HBA, MES, PhD (Candidate)

Note from the Editor:  Each quarter, we will feature a Special Edition No Globalism Newsletter.  This edition reflects upon Globalist happenings and the impacts upon America and the world, summarizing the key facets within an overall keenly depicted situational analysis of where we are now and who is in fact to blame.  Sad to say, there exists an “us” and “them”, but it is not national flags which separate the People, but rather the Globalist elites within the government houses of each of our own countries, states and even towns.  There is no need to look further to see the imminent and present danger.

How to ACTIVATE Defense? –  Our Country, Our Choice is currently preparing a 100 Victory Skills Handbook – a lively reading step by step guide to removing all things Globalist and restoring Glorious America.

Humanity today presents itself to the courts of the Globalist bullies, with evidence and facts in tomes, as to all the loss and damage caused – and too –  cries forth for our already won freedom and liberty.  But these noble ones amongst us who stand up, are ignored or condemned by our leaders – pearls before swine, are our peoples’ heroes And thus it is time to say Ciao, Ciao, Chanchos[1] and Chanchas[2]. Ciao, Ciao.

Making up their own orchestrated, full kick-back, industries, a war here and there, maybe some more upcoming summer “wildfires” which break all laws of physics, melting engine blocks from 18 wheelers, as green bushes sit placidly unchanged, a few feet away, or again destroying more farms and food supplies, the Globalist hogs move on.  

Monopolizing world economies, through massive conglomerations of wealth, controlling governments of some of the most powerful countries and swaying entire banking systems, they have shown their immense – albeit crude and abhorrent- power.   They have the bought luxury of their own media companies pimping out whatever stories they want that day, having top scientists and research institutions create “the science” they wish that week and so on. 

The Globalists of America and the world, along with their hooker-puppet agents, are using government controlled citizens as customers and Guinea Pigs, while conveniently using taxpayers’ money to fund their muddied ventures, as they rig the global financial systems and print their own money, always remaining lily white above the law, while digging billion dollar bunkers below the ground. 

It’s no wonder, they don’t care about us. Why would they? To be good people?  To do the right thing?

Who are we to them?  We are ballast at best, and refuse more likely.     They say it is all for “sustainable development”, which is originally defined by – even the UN,  – as expanding people’s choices.[3] But they are clearly giving us less choices each day, except for which gender we wish to be, or which hard drug to get easily, which suicide program to go for, or if we select the “no suicide now” option, we can choose which tiny home, in which 15 minute city, to “live” in. 

 As is common in the Globalists fondness of “reversing” things, today’s new world is in no way, shape or form associated with what is “sustainable development”.  We are witnessing the very opposite rather, a “finite devolution” of humanity towards the Globalists’ openly proclaimed transhumanist and post humanist plans for their AI World Society.[4]  Now, just what do we think Post Humanist means?

If we accept transgender, then can we accept transhumanist more easily perhaps?  Again one sees a signature Globalist move- many birds, one stone – pushing and paying for the transgender ideology, confuses the masses, erodes them, hurts families, grooms the next generation, halts reproduction, and also opens the perceptual doors for accepting “transhumanism” more easily. 

On the Loose in America

The United States was founded on the concept of a representative government by consent, separation of powers and protection of an individual’s God given rights. In Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, it was famously said, “Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”  The reality now, however, is markedly different. Government represents elite donors; all three branches of government are compromised and the rights of the many are being steadily eroded.

The proud American Government of today, removes our God’s given rights, our Human Rights and Civil liberties and steals from the poor, and gives to the rich. Whether it is to Big Pharma, the Military Industrial Complex, political donors, Big Finance or Big Tech, ruling politicians are increasingly beholden to the elite in society for the cost of entering politics or staying there. It costs a great deal of money to run for office and those that pay expect their pound of flesh. The payback for many donors is for government policy and actions to reflect their business interests. Government represents big business first and the citizens are, at best, an afterthought.

Lincoln’s words at Gettysburg, if spoken by our Executive Offices today would be replaced by “Government of the Elites, by the Elites, for the Elites, shall not perish from the Earth.”  As the principal beneficiaries of government actions are increasingly the elite, is the US still a democracy? Does it matter what the normal folks want? Are politicians just giving lip service to the common man? The answer is clearly that the elites form the priority for politicians’ thoughts. We live in times where the corruption of our political system for the benefit of billionaires and globalists has never been higher. If the rights of citizens are being trampled upon by a cabal of elites through their political proxies, do we even live in a democracy?

Attempting to look objectively at the situation without political bias, and whilst this is not purely a Democratic issue, they are the party that is increasingly looking to infringe on democracy as, –  in reverse as usual, –  they shout that Republicans, and especially Donald Trump, are the real threat to democracy. Senior Democrats from President Biden, to Hilary Clinton, to Nancy Pelosi, never miss an opportunity to decry others as a danger to the American way as they systematically sell out to billionaire interests and impinge on the rights of Americans. To politicians of that sort, democracy is just a word to be used as a sword to dismantle dissent, so that they can continue their rigged game. As our grandmothers used to say, Life’s cheap to that sort”.

You do not have to go far to see how the grift works. Wars, COVID, financial crises and the climate have increased deficits and grown the national debt, currently sitting at just under $35 trillion. The normal person, their children and even their grandchildren will be paying down debt for years to come. The value of the dollar reduces as inflation eats away at purchasing power and normal people are increasingly poorer in real terms. Weakening the masses to this extent, is beneficial for snap trapping world governance and they know it. The corruption comes as large parts of that government money, our debt, goes to the elites who ultimately control things. What is worse, this corruption is generally perfectly legal. It is all perverse.

War and Military Conflict

Wars are at the forefront of our minds whether in Ukraine or Gaza, or even the potential for war in Taiwan. Despite a sincere call for rational thought to find a solution, all too often, the answer is more money and more war. “Putin, like Trump – they whine – is a threat to democracy”, and that, as will become clearer, is the rallying cry for our political and globalist rulers. Despite little hope of a Ukraine victory the US signals that it is all in for years to come.  Rah, rah.  For what then?

In Ukraine, the US has poured in $300 billion plus to bankroll the war to date. That money typically means that US defense contractors have secured mind numbing amounts of tax dollars to supply weaponry and other goods and services to Ukraine. From Europe, another $100 billion has been committed. For the Military Industrial Complex, war is big business. It is like COVID was for Big Pharma. Someone has to pay for the cost of the war and that is the normal taxpayer in the US and elsewhere. Normal folks suffer, as the elites behind the Military Industrial Complex become enriched.

Some US taxpayer money also goes to pay for Ukraine to function. Much of that money finds its way to Ukrainian elites. All this money is pumped into the war and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have died. Those who chose war over negotiation in Washington have no skin in the game. They are not at risk from Russian weapons. Their political donors benefit and in turn so do the politicians through donations. There is little incentive for a cessation in warfare. Only the elite benefit – as we are told it is for democracy.

From a Russian perspective, the same is true. Despite the war and the sanctions, the Russian economy is growing faster than all advanced economies. The Oligarchs supplying the war are making money. China, Iran, and others are supporting the Russian effort with weaponry, also benefit from an ongoing war.

Whilst the elite benefit from war, what hope is there for the cannon fodder normal young men and women from Ukraine and Russia that are being slaughtered? As long as the conflict does not go nuclear, there is little incentive on either side for a ceasefire if the loss of human life is a price worth paying, so that the elite can get richer.  

The realities of war in Gaza are wholly different on face value. Innocent human cost is far more prevalent and calls for a ceasefire are constant. But step away from that and you will see the benefits of war for the elite. The US has contributed $26 billion to Israel for their war effort.

Go back 20 years to the “War on Terror” and you will see a similar pattern. Over eight trillion dollars was spent on the war including the invasion of Iraq to take control of weapons of mass destruction that the US security state knew were nonexistent. Eight trillion dollars would have built 80,000, 100 room five star hotels – give or take.  Eight million rooms could have been built.  Today estimates of the homeless in America are varied.  But even at the most liberal guess of about one million, the cost of what America spent over in the deserts, would have housed all American homeless eight times over. Let’s think about that, as the illegal migrants sleep and nosh for free, at four star hotels, in major American cities.

Who benefited? The Military Industrial Complex, Big Oil, and the elite behind them. Who lost? The almost 900,000 innocents in Iraq who died, the many injured, the thousands and thousands of brave US servicemen and women who tragically died in the conflicts, and others terribly harmed, and the US taxpayers, as usual. Of course, the War on Terror also saw a major shift to the security state via the “PATRIOT Act” and a reduction in the rights of US citizens.

With such gross lacks of accountability of all things, human trafficking and other black market business affairs can proliferate wildly too.  The evil things which happen “underground”, with no media coverage, in areas of no rule and in times of chaos, can be even greater than the loss above ground.  These are another type of “unknown soldier”, as numbers of the missing are coldly reported as collateral losses, if reported at all, and with less concern than are commodity losses, if even considered at all.

There has been no accountability for anyone in government for the myriad of errors and lies that were told. Global conflict is big business for globalists. Governments works hand in hand with them as the taxpayer loyally foots the bill. There is little incentive to change.


When we look at COVID, we see a similar pattern of normal people suffering and the elite benefiting. Back in 2020, the country faced lockdowns that curtailed economic activity and those least able to cope were small businesses and the working and middle class. For Big Pharma it was a boon. To a lesser extent, for Big Tech, it was highly beneficial, as business moved to an online platform such as Zoom and Teams.

We should remember that COVID also brought with it a chilling infringement of our civil liberties. We were forced to wear masks, stay six feet away from people and take experimental vaccines to keep jobs. All of these have later been shown to be unnecessary and demonic actions by government. At the time, people who questioned policy, suggested alternatives pharmaceuticals or suggested caution with the so-called vaccine were censored and vilified by many authorities. Alarming excess deaths and injuries occurred due to the vaccines. Big Pharma benefited to the tune of tens of billions of dollars and was protected by governments who tried to cover up anything that went against the globalist narrative. When it comes to a health crisis, just like in war, the first things to go, is so often truth and freedoms.

Following six trillion dollars of stimulus from the Fed to overcome economic effects of government policy, inflation hit. Purchasing power for normal people decreased by 20% from 2019 to 2024, although it feels far much more. Contrast that with this excerpt from a May 13, 2021, article in the Financial Times “The total wealth of billionaires worldwide rose by $5tn to $13tn in 12 months, the most dramatic surge ever registered on the annual billionaire list compiled by Forbes magazine.”. COVID was very good for the elite and very poor for the normal US citizen.

What is really shocking is that as at today, despite numerable whistleblowers and investigations, there is no accountability for anyone in government for the countless errors and lies that were told and which benefited the global elite.  Let us hope that the chink in their armament widens with the continuing shaky and tearful deposition of Dr. Anthony Fauci and those in his ilk.

What is scary though, is that Big Pharma cannot wait for the next public health emergency. It is a big pay day. It serves globalist interest for someone to start a new pandemic. Maybe the US government can play a part again by funding Gain-of Function experiments in Wuhan.

Financial Crises

In 2008 the financial system melted down. The government bailed out the big banks with just one notable exception. Some smaller players were forced to merge with bigger banks who ultimately gained significant benefit from the arrangements. The US taxpayer footed the bill that came to just under one trillion dollars.

The financial elites got away with everything and went from strength to strength. Transparent public accountability was never demanded from the finance industry or the Federal reserve who had been asleep at the wheel for the past decade. Meanwhile as recession hit folks lost their jobs, their livelihood and their homes and the taxpayer footed the bill.

If, or maybe when, the next financial crisis hits, the Federal Reserve has already decided who will pay the price. Since the 2008 bailouts, The New York Federal Reserve and others have quietly made legal changes, specifically to the Uniform Commercial Code. In the event of a bank failure your deposits are no longer yours. You are no longer the owner of your money in the bank, you now have “entitlement rights.” That means that you become an unsecured creditor of the bank, and behind primary, secured creditors. It is not just bank deposits. It also includes “your IRA, your pension plan, your stock, and bond investments held at an “account provider” or “intermediary” or “depository institution””. Your money will provide a” bail in” to save the system and benefit those risk bankers.

The banking elites will benefit thanks to government actions in the financial sector. The normal citizen will pay the price as usual. In many ways, a financial crisis may suit the global elite, as they take control of financial markets, and the normal citizen loses everything. Why wouldn’t they arrange this?


The climate is always big business for somebody, but it means costs for normal folks. In the US there is the Green New Deal pushed by the Democratic administration that has seen higher gas prices, replacing combustion engine vehicles with expensive battery run ones and investing in alternative energy sources come at a cost, especially to the average US citizen. A surge in government spending has increased the deficit and the taxpayer will foot the bill yet again.

Part of the way we transition to a sustainable economy is to insist that businesses become more ESG, or Environmental, Social and Governance, compliant. Increasingly, businesses are being rated on their ESG compliance to a standard set by global elites. Big business and government increasingly provide a top-down system to encourage counter parties and their supply chain to make the necessary investment to become environmentally sustainable. This, of course, comes at a cost.

The lower down the food chain you go the more difficult it is to absorb the additional investments needed to meet ESG expectations. For example, environmental regulations for small holdings and farmers are increasingly expensive in a historically low margin business. The time may come that only global elite operated farms will be able to meet sustainability criteria. And that is the goal.

ESG will have a major impact on small and medium-sized businesses. If they are not ESG compliant expect some time in the future for banks and insurance companies to apply punitive charges or just deny services all together. Without loans or insurance businesses will not survive. ESG, enforced by a government through regulation, will ultimately see globalists as the only game in town. For everyone else ESG is a frightening prospect that will cost them more and make them pawns of big business in a dystopian world where the individual has all rights stripped away.


There is undoubtedly a link between government, the political elite and globalist forces. With a compliant government, the globalists can control both what starts a problem and the outcome. The globalists increasingly control the supply side and the demand side of the equation. It is a rigged game. We are the losers. Democracy means nothing if the rights of the citizens are overridden by global elites.

Without government by consent, separation of powers and individual God given rights the citizens of the US will be little more than slaves paying over their money to global elites who control their lives. If there is no change soon, the America that was the most prosperous and powerful country the World has ever known will be no more than a new form of plantation ruled over by globalists.

Things must change. We have a chance to force that change in November. The US needs to revert to government by consent. We need leaders who represent our needs and fight for the good of all not just the few. We need someone who will stand up to global power structures and put Americans first. We need people who are not beholden to global interests that steal from the poor, the same type who bud into lines, and have no moral problems in removing golden teeth from coffins.

How to ACTIVATE –  Our Country, Our Choice is currently preparing a 100 Victory Skills Handbook – a lively reading step by step guide to removing all things Globalist and restoring Glorious America.  For now, demand that your Government Representatives, local, state and Federal levels, ban the UN and World Economic Forum from any government association with your state.  Get involved with local government in all ways possible at the local levels.  Vote with your wallet and only support businesses who are against Globalist interests.  Shop locally.  Use cash and boycott places that do not allow cash.  Question government authorities at all times politely.  Know the laws in your area well. Join peaceful protests, sign petitions and continue to educate yourself, family and friends.  Stand up. Stand Strong. Just say “No”.

Our Country, Our Choice –  No Globalism



US will send Ukraine $300 million in weapons | AP News

These Countries Have Committed the Most Aid to Ukraine | Best Countries | U.S. News (usnews.com)

U.S. House Passes $26 Billion in Emergency Israel Aid, Most Significant Step Since October 7 – U.S. News – Haaretz.com

Russia to grow faster than all advanced economies says IMF (bbc.com)

Costs of the 20-year war on terror: $8 trillion and 900,000 deaths | Brown University

$1 in 2019 → 2024 | Inflation Calculator (in2013dollars.com)

The billionaire boom: how the super-rich soaked up COVID cash (ft.com)

The Financial Bailout in 2008 Was a Trillion-Dollar Mess (rollingstone.com)

The Great Dispossession Part 1 | (paulcraigroberts.org)

The Great Dispossession Part 2 | (paulcraigroberts.org)

The Great Dispossession Part 3 | (paulcraigroberts.org)

As Oregon enforces its water use requirements, small farmers face the consequences – OPB

[1] Vernacular, Spanish – large, muddy hog, masculine

[2] Vernacular, Spanish – large, muddy hog, feminine

[3] https://www.unfpa.org/press/sustainable-development-and-population-dynamics-placing-people-centre

[4] https://aiws.net/