
Deep Dive into the “Degrowth” of Our Occultist Common Future

By Greg Taylor with Mary Otto-Chang HBA, MES, PhD Candidate

Why it is vital now, today, that Americans understand the very real dangers of Globalism to them, their children, their country and their future.

Greg Taylor with Mary Otto-Chang HBA, MES, PhD (Candidate)

Part One – Degrowth

The Further Drifting of the United Nations       We often think of the United Nations as being a mission for peace and for good in the World. It was formed in 1945, as an intergovernmental body to prevent future conflicts that threatened the world, and instead, promote cooperation. What we see today, however, is far from that original plan, if that plan truly was originally sincere.

When most people think of the Flagship of Globalism, most would say the World Economic Forum (WEF).  While this is so, in terms of ideas and money to projectize their ideas, it is the WEF’s main squeeze, the United Nations, that not only gives their black-mirrored plans, substantive credibility, and government authorization, but also parlays them into real implementable, on the ground projects affecting all citizens of this world, in one way or another, at some time, if not already.

The truth is, that apart from the Globalists’ business side of their multi-industry, monopolized arenas of various sorts, which are 100% self-serving, for-profit efforts in their faux utilitarianism, the WEF and the UN and their elite partners, are a global pagan cult that promotes occult theosophy and transhumanism at best, and Baphomet-ridden religions at worst, and uses climate change and other common day issues to advance their cult.

From early UN influencers like New Ager, Alice Bailey, along with former Assistant Secretary General Robert Muller, we can see the occult beliefs that fed the UN and became their Sustainable Development Goals and their advancement of a New World Order echoing their beliefs.

Their goal is a world of unicorns where everybody is equal, evolution is a function of consciousness, rather than survival of the fittest, and where only the chosen will lead.  In short, globalists will be in charge, and we have to put their occultist spirituality –  ahead of personal interests and our own religions. We must sacrifice all, so that the masters of the occult can lead us to a new Utopia.

These sacrifices are more evident for the normal citizen every day.

Demanding We Devolve      If, like many Americans, you are struggling to afford some of life’s basics, in the past four years, since the Covid Kick Off, you are not alone.  Inflation, interest rates, questionable government policies and lack of opportunity have had a devastating impact on normal America.

There are few reasons to believe things will change unless you are a blind follower of the establishment and “Bidenomics”. We are told that the economy is growing at a great pace, with record employment numbers, yet so many Americans struggle.  

The only option is to buy less, or buy lesser quality, and consume less.  For the many, the economy isn’t growing, and our choices are dwindling. We in America, and as a Human Family, are experiencing multi-fold degrowth.  The elite share not our experiences, as they are still lining up at the finest steakhouses in Davos, wearing their suede, and departing by private jet.  Perhaps they have not received their own memos?

Our Suffering is by Their Design     The suffering being faced is not an accident. It is by design. Understanding the globalist agenda will show you that design. The misery faced by the many is only going to get worse, as our leaders surrender American values to climate paganism, international equity and economic suicide through degrowth, driven by globalists within the United Nations and the World Economic Forum and partners.

American citizens are paying an increasing cost for decisions made by the ruling elite.  Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) programs that push sustainability and promote equitable outcomes in society actively hold back growth by adding obstacles to economic success. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) comes at the cost of merit, and it promotes degrowth. Crime promotes degrowth as societies fail. An education system that produces indoctrinated activists instead of young people with critical thinking skills promotes degrowth.

The only growth the US has seen in recent years comes from flagrant government spending, funding their “globocide”[1] agendas, increasing the national debt that will fuel degrowth through inflation or recession.   All of this comes at an expense to the citizens of the US.  We will have fewer choices. We will consume less, and our standards of living will drop. Degrowth is American degradation, degeneration and eventual suicide.

The government’s policies that fail to provide economic growth are deliberate. They are, we are told, for the greater good. We must put individual desires aside, as we consider the collective good of the policies.  We must change our values to enjoy a better tomorrow. We have to put aside short-term gains for a long-term goal of a better world.   

Our Leaders Serve Not Us     As we will see, the ruling US’s leaders are playing their part in this plan for degrowth in the name the pagan cult of climate.  It is unlikely incompetence, or failed policy or the desired outcome of government policy, to have degrowth in any manner, but the rulers want this, and so they get it. The US is facing years of degrowth, if it stays on this “Globocide” path. Do not expect things to change. The US’s ruling elite serve other nations, the UN and the WEF, plus partners, as they punish their own citizens. Our leaders are sacrificing us for the benefit of their own globalists kickbacks, in the name of a false religion.  It is as much blasphemic, as it is treasonist betrayal.

What Degrowth Means for Americans     We are told by the UN, WEF and globalists that degrowth is necessary, although the elite will not put it in such obvious terms.  We must change how we consider success; they note with Montblanc pen in hand. We must put the individual aside and consider the global consciousness, the global need, they suggest, as their Piaget watches mindfully keep tick tocking on their wrists, as double cashmere sweaters keep them warm.  At the current “Daily Subsistence Allowance” or DSA for short, for Switzerland, the UN Guests at Davos will need to carefully budget their US$ 421.00 [2] per day, which you – American reader and taxpayer – are helping to pay for. 

And yet these same soaringly hypocritical people, tell us that we must stop considering growth in living standards to be our objective in life and instead think about how to stop planetary destruction. We are told that we must not look to economic growth as the predominant strategy. Clearly, these rules are for us and not them.

Economics is no longer economics, but now eco-socio-economics. If economics alone was not already a tangentially complicated field, this completely muddies the water of value. The first change that we are expected to accept is that the standard metric of economic success for the past century or more, economic growth, must be replaced with one that looks more to wellbeing and sustainability.

In a June 15, 2022 article the WEF issued titled “Degrowth – what’s behind the economic theory and why does it matter right now?”, the very first line in the article explains the reason why they say degrowth matters: “How do we save our planet? Some economists believe the only way is to radically scale back consumption of resources.”

The idea is that if we consume less resources including energy, we, as a world united, will become more sustainable and avoid climate catastrophe. We, they assert, must put our collective wellbeing ahead of capitalistic profit.   Note the “we” must, not include them – perhaps they think of themselves as the royal “we”?

Degrowth only for the West     The WEF article goes on to explains how the West must reduce resource consumption and energy usage as the Global South increases its use of energy and its emissions. The plan is that by 2050 there will be equity of consumption throughout the World.  The West will go backwards as the developing world grows. The average citizen of the US will consume the same as the average citizen of China, who will consume the same as the average citizen of Zimbabwe.

It is the new decolonization. It is worldwide resource and energy equity. Degrowth will be a western focus alone. You are being targeted for past success and for perceived colonization. You will pay a price for others to live better. It is redistribution of income. It is a worsened, and technologically assisted form of truly demonic lead totalitarianism. This is not hyperbole.

The WEF page explains via a quote: “degrowth “doesn’t mean we are going to be living in caves with candles”. Instead, it “might” mean people in rich countries changing their diets, living in smaller houses and driving and travelling less.”  That will mean no more steak, but lots of insects, such as Entomilk[3]– a Bill Gates funded [4]South African venture, where Black Soldier Fly larvae (maggots) are blended with water to make a “milk alternative” for the masses.

Excuse Numero Uno – Blame the Weather      The main reason that we need degrowth, our overlords tell us, is man-made climate change. We have long been told that climate change is “settled science”. However, that is far from accurate. The manipulation and disinformation from the proponents of man-made climate change suggest that something more occult is at play that will drive societal changes for the benefit of our global masters.

The UN, and other global occultists, are quick to tell us that we live in extraordinary times.   We are indoctrinated into believing that our planet is on fire like never before, and that we are to blame. Wild land fires dotting the globe each fake-record-limit-high summer after another, where magically the rules of physics disappear.  See below, metal done, baby trees doing great, flames jumped the asphalt, and many other anomalies.

“The science” is settled they tell us, as they fail to accurately predict climatic development, and have done so for decades now. Yet we must believe them. We cannot question the hoax of man-made climate change or face a social gulag.  We must all assimilate to their pagan cult.  We must all make sacrifices to save their delusional planetary destruction.

And those sacrifices are more pressing on American citizens by the day.

The WEF support for degrowth includes the following line as proof of the need for drastic change to our economic values: “It seems to be no coincidence that global warming caused by humans started around the 1830s, scientists believe, when the world’s first industrial revolution was at its height.” It is interested that settled science is based upon what “Scientists believe” rather than what they know. Yet, it is their beliefs for which you will pay a hefty price.

The scientists that form the globalist climate narrative are dependent on government, UN and other establishment money for their research activities. They are part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a body that operates under the auspices of the United Nations, that provides the authority voice for all things climate. Deviation from the party line will mean that livelihoods are at risk. Scientists are part of the cult of climate whether by choice or by coercion. They do not represent the objective truth. The UN is manipulating climate scientists to achieve their own, occult, objectives. The UN is pushing degrowth, as will have become obvious with Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ call for the censorship of fossil fuel companies at an advertising conference in New York in early June this year.

If climate change is so important, why does the West need to reduce their emissions even more while China, India and the others that form the Global South are able to increase theirs?  Those emissions, we are constantly told, are the cause of planetary destruction yet the Global South are allowed to kill the planet.  The reality is that emissions are clearly not the driver of this degrowth plan. Wellbeing and sustainability are an excuse.

We are being gas lit.  Big time. The real goal of degrowth is techno-totalitarian control through the WEF, UN and their “enlightened” global elitist partners and individuals.  And for us guys, it’s not a happy ending.

No Globalism.  That is the goal we all share.  Working together, we can do this.

Join Our Country, Our Choice.

Stay tuned next week for Part TwoOccultist Influences within the UN and its Very Real Consequences and What to do to Rid the Globalist Bullies and their American Helpers.



Degrowth: what’s behind this economic theory and why it matters today | World Economic Forum (

Degrowth: Less Resource Use for More Wellbeing and Resilience – Georgetown Journal of International Affairs

Opinion | Do We Need to Shrink the Economy to Stop Climate Change? – The New York Times (

Degrowth: A dangerous idea or the answer to the world’s biggest problems? | CNN Business

Hastening the Inevitable Demographic Revolution | Christopher Tucker | TEDxPenn

Degrowth Agenda (

In Defense of Degrowth (