The Manchurian Inversion

The Manipulative Media in American Politics

By Greg Taylor with Mary Otto-Chang HBA, MES, PhD Candidate

As the Emperors wear no clothes, and the tail wags the dog, massive media manipulation in American politics runs rampant

As the Emperors wear no clothes, and the tail wags the dog, massive media manipulation in American politics runs rampant.  In 2016, which was a seismic year in US politics, Donald Trump won the presidency over the highly favored, albeit fading, Hilary Clinton, for whom the mainstream media and the security state had hugely supported, in the lead up to the election. The populists won and the globalists lost. Then all hell let loose, and it hasn’t let up yet.

These days, Biden and Trump, apart from naysaying as is their regular routine, have now both accused each other of being “Manchurian Candidates”.   The Manchurian Candidate is the title of a 1959 novel, and refers to political candidates who work for, or are controlled by, outside interests.  Although The Manchurian Candidate is by no means a complete prediction of what is now underway, it is indeed starting to look prescient.

The word democracy comes from the Greek words “demos”, meaning people, and “kratos” meaning power; so democracy can be thought of as “power of the people”: a way of governing which depends on the will of the people.  Conversely, authoritarian governments demand that people obey completely while refusing to allow them freedom to act as they wish.  The media reassures us that America is a Democratically run country, but these days, things appear more authoritarian.   The media also tells us that President Trump is a risk to democracy but the opposite is true. It is this administration who are Globalist puppets.  The proof is in the pudding after all, as during the Trump Administration, a prolific number of actions were taken to keep America for the People, by the People. [1] A number of errors were also made in Trumps Administration and those were largely related to Globalist puppet advisors, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, who are now under questioning.  President Trump was perhaps too easily trusting.

President Trump was correct. The mainstream media is Fake News! They are nothing more than the spokesmen for Globalists. Long gone are the heady days of Walter Cronkite when the media could be trusted. At every turn, the legacy media act as the mouthpiece of the global elites. They lie and mislead without concern for journalistic ethics. We get to understand things from just one perspective. There are too many coincidences of fake news for any other conclusions. We are being brainwashed by the global elite with dire consequences. The mainstream media is on the front lines of warfare against the enemies of globalists. They are creating the Manchurian inversion and worse is coming unless we dent the power of the globalists.

Post-election in 2016, globalist forces, working through various American shadow governmental means, and other nefarious gangs, began contrived scheme, after scheme, to defame and oust President Trump. This culminated on January 6th, 2021 in what those to the left consider an insurrection, and those more centrist consider an orchestrated event by the security state and left wing agitators, where all too many normal citizens were caught up in positions they should not have found themselves. One thing is clear to any sane person; the picture painted by the media and the J6 Committee is not the same one that has played out on recently released video footage. Like the videos, we are being played. And very much so. 

In the years since the 2020 election, we have seen censorship and highly questionable law fare aimed at anyone who opposes the Biden endorsed globalist agenda. That agenda must be met. What should be clear is that they will do anything to make sure the plan is followed, including inciting the assassination of Donald Trump at Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday 13th July 2024.


It was not some random act being played out. Globalist manipulation dominates all aspects of our lives. Our actions and reactions are highly influenced by them. Through the media we consume, the adverts we are allowed to see, and political rhetoric, we are guided to “right think.”  How the Globalists do that, is both astounding and simple.


Think back to the years of the Trump administration. The legacy media in the US consistently followed the same stories, almost entirely detrimental to the administration and particularly to President Trump.  We saw this first with “Russiagate”, perhaps the biggest hoax in US political history. Hilary Clinton’s election campaign sought to provide concocted evidence of collusion by Trump with Vladimir Putin, the number one enemy of the West. The security state in the form of the FBI and the CIA, were central to the plan. The security agencies in other countries such as the UK and Australia, also played their part in a coordinated effort to thwart Trump. Trump was portrayed as a Manchurian candidate and the puppet of the Russians. A less resolute man may have succumbed.

As “Russiagate” developed, the mainstream media, night after night, stressed Trump’s guilt with little attempt to litigate the matter in any meaningful and balanced way. Even as the hoax unraveled the talking heads and journalists continued their ridiculous rhetoric. There was even a Pulitzer Prize awarded jointly to the New York Times and the Washington Post, …“For deeply sourced, relentlessly reported coverage in the public interest, that dramatically furthered the nation’s understanding of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign, the president-elect’s transition team and his eventual administration.” To date the corrections and retractions by the journalists and talking heads have been minimal. Pulitzer has not taken back its coveted prize based on falsehoods. It’s almost as if those in charge knew that they were lying and that was the point.

For the two years of the “Russiagate” investigation, across almost all media platforms, the story was invariably the same. The same phrases and sound bites were used. Unfathomably, all too often the lock-stepping news media were wrong about the same thing, all at the same time. Not once were the likes of Adam Schiff vigorously and honestly debated by the media for outlandish claims. Collusions was surely at play, and this time it was not at the behest of the Russians. But it was all a lie, but some people are still brainwashed to think Trump is a Russian agent.

Twisting the words at the Presidential Debate

At the Presidential Debate on 28th June, President Biden mentioned Charlottesville, to explain that it was the white nationalist rally there in August, 2017 that inspired him to run for the presidency in 2020. Biden used this as an example of how Trump was a far-right candidate and supporting neo-Nazis. He had to fight for democracy and defeat Trump.

The neo-Nazi angle was, and continues to be, a favorite of the news media since 2017. Unfortunately, even the left’s favorite “fact checker,” Snopes, has recently realized what so many others knew all along; Trump did not say the white nationalists were very fine people. The Snopes headline was “No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists ‘Very Fine People’.” However, by the media running with a falsehood for so long, member of the public will have been indoctrinated to think that Trump is the new version of Hitler.  The media never question politicians when they erroneously and manipulatively mention Charlottesville. The narrative that Trump is the new Hitler is still prevalent to this day. How could so many be so wrong for so long?

More twisting of words in Dayton, Ohio

In March this year, President Trump gave a speech in Dayton Ohio regarding the auto industry. What the media and politicians noticed was his comment “Now, if I don’t get reelected, it’s going to be a bloodbath…”. The mainstream media, left-wing talking heads and politicians, were all in on the threat to democracy posed by Trump. They argue that he would threaten a bloodbath if he were not reelected. Of course, the truth is somewhat different. Trump was referencing the rise of the Chinese auto industry and what it meant to the US. His policy would be to protect US industry by applying tariffs “No, we’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the country, that’ll be the least of it.” Trump was clearly referencing the impact Biden’s globalist policies would have on the US car industry. Yet, once again, the media ran with the misleading, out of context, quote to drive a narrative that Trump is a threat to democracy. How could all of those media folks be so wrong, on all those channels and platforms, all at the same time, again? Why have media figures never pushed back against the lies that politicians spout in this matter?

With “Russiagate,” Charlottesville, the “bloodbath’ hoax and the January 6th event that has far more questions than answers, the legacy media have had a field day exposing President Trump as a violent neo-Nazi Russian spy hell bent on overthrowing democracy and the American way. This, however, could not be further from the truth. Democrats, and a few Republicans within the Uniparty continue to lie unabashed and without pushback. The media’s pattern of now obvious coordinated lies and misinformation has gone unchecked. Apologies for journalistic errors are as common as rocking horse manure. These past few weeks, the news media has doubled down by saying that Trump is partially to blame for his violent rhetoric in the past, rhetoric that they have taken out of context at every turn to manipulate to please the globalist overlords.

They have been brainwashing weak minds and anyone wanting positive reinforcement. To them Trump is the devil incarnate and he must be stopped. The Democrats have been very happy to go along with this and feed that narrative. They have put a bullseye on President Trump, whether they want to admit it or not. Have they led to the brainwashing of a youth to carry out an attempted assassination of a presidential candidate to further the globalist agenda?  If so, there are undoubtedly many more would be assassins waiting in the wings. This may sound like the inversion of the Manchurian Candidate plot, but it may not be so far from the truth. The question is, who is coordinating the brainwashing and who is pulling the strings?

The major networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox all have parent companies. These are The Walt Disney Company, Paramount Global, Comcast, AT&T, Comcast and NewsCorp, respectively. What all these companies have in common is overlapping shareholders, most notably Larry Fink’s BlackRock and Vanguard, institutional investors that use your pension funds to take highly influential stakes in the largest worldwide businesses.

BlackRock and Vanguard

They also have large interests in all the other institutional investors on Wall Street, giving them a stranglehold on all public companies.  When looking for globalist influence, look no farther than BlackRock and Vanguard.

According to the New York Post in an article published on 7th April, 2023: “In 2018, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, who oversees assets worth $8.6 trillion and has been called the “face of Environmental, Social and Governance  (ESG),” wrote a now-infamous letter to CEOs titled “A Sense of Purpose” that pushed a “new model of governance” in line with ESG values.  ESG, an illogical and nonsensical term coined in 2004, by the UN Global Compact, which was an embryonic arm of the UN designed to begin the, now achieved (2019), Public-Private Global Partnership.   “Society is demanding that companies, both public and private, serve a social purpose,” Fink wrote. “To prosper over time, every company must not only deliver financial performance, but also show how it makes a positive contribution to society.” Fink also let it be known “that if a company doesn’t engage with the community and have a sense of purpose, it will ultimately lose the license to operate from key stakeholders.” This is most certainly tough talk.

That is quite a threat from Fink but not one of the mainstream media has ever picked up on. Unless companies do his bidding for a “better society”, which presumably means doing anything to stop the “new Hitler” from gaining power, the company will lose their “license to operate”.  That seems quite dictatorial and a threat to democracy, from the head of one of the most powerful globalist private-sector conglomerates.  Hypocrisy by any other name, is still hypocrisy. “Be democratic, the Kings demand”.

It should come as no surprise that BlackRock and more specifically Mr. (Rat)Fink, have very close ties to the World Economic Forum.  Whilst BlackRock is a regular corporate attendee and sponsor of WEF get-togethers, Fink is on the WEF’s Board of Trustees. It is fair to say that when Fink talks about corporate governance, he is very much aligned to the WEF and Globalist vision. The “license to operate” is conditional upon meeting the globalist agenda. WEF’s globalists dictates must be adhered to.  Larry Fink, like the WEF and the UN doctrine, is a Post Humanist.  He is therefore, by default, against humanity.  

BlackRock also have ties to the US government, in fact Bloomberg described them as “the fourth branch of government” because of their close ties to the federal banks. BlackRock lends money to the central banks, is a key advisor and provides the software, Aladdin, that powers the federal banks’ computers.

Make no mistake, BlackRock is one of the most powerful institutions in the US, if not the World. They are a globalist powerhouse. It is when you look at BlackRock’s shareholders, you realize that something murky is afoot. The largest single shareholder of BlackRock is Vanguard with about 9%, enough to hold great influence over operations.

Vanguards ownership is somewhat more guarded as a private company. Identifying the key players is difficult. The shareholders of Vanguard, the elite of the elite, hide their ownership so that nobody can see how their power trickles down to all major corporations including media outlets. The richest of the rich are at the top of the pile and that points to the globalist elite and in particular the Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rothschild Foundation, and others. Old money and new money alike hide their investments via non-profit foundations and then through investment companies such as Vanguard. Ultimately, the uber elite control everything including all public companies and through that they influence as to what we the People,  are supposed to think.  

Project Syndicate

When it comes to the news that normal citizens are presented with the globalists have a great deal of influence, but they do not control day to day matters. They still need a way to create a strangle hold on the news we consume. One way they do that is through greater control over journalism. Project Syndicate provides that outlet.

Project Syndicate describes itself as “The World’s Opinion Page.” As its web page explains “Project Syndicate produces and delivers original, high-quality commentaries to a global audience. …. Our membership includes over 500 media outlets – more than half of which receive our commentaries”. They explain what they do: “Indeed, because our highest priority is to disseminate authors’ commentaries as widely as possible, we provide translations free of charge, enabling editors worldwide to publish them simultaneously.” They explain their reach “Project Syndicate has cultivated strong partnerships with the most respected news media in every country in which it operates.” 

The news that you receive in great part comes from one source: Project Syndicate. That may help explain why the same stories are used by multiple outlets with the same errors at the same time. What will come as no surprise is the list of partners in Project Syndicate with George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation at the very top of the list. The uber-globalists call the tune for Project Syndicate.

Of course, media manipulation is nothing new. Arguably, one of the intentions of The Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) at its inception was to provide control of the news media particularly with regard to diplomatic efforts at home and abroad. Initial support for the CFR came from The Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. Isn’t it amazing how the same globalist names keep cropping up when it comes to controlling the narrative?

A Rat-full Agency – the CIA

Knowledge of Project Mockingbird was made public in June 2007, when the CIA declassified a 702-page document widely referred to as the Family Jewels. [1]  The New York Times headline from Valentine’s Day 1967 read “A Student Group Concedes It Took Money from the CIA”.  In 1977, an article in Rolling Stone Magazine by Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame stated, “The CIA and the Media has secretly bankrolled numerous foreign press services, periodicals and newspapers – both English and Foreign language – which provide excellent cover for CIA operatives”. These reports led to the Church Committee that investigated the abuses by the CIA, NSA, FBI, and the IRS.

The links from the uber globalists to the CIA are hidden as you would expect from a secretive and powerful agency. However, we do know that the CIA was more than a bit player in Operation Crossfire Hurricane and “Russiagate”. They clearly do the bidding of the globalists/deep state.

Citizens of the United States must stay resolute and repudiate political violence of all sorts. Exposing the lies and manipulation that the globalists offer up, via their cutouts, is how we can overcome the brainwashing from the legacy media.  We must protect those that put themselves in harm’s way to lead us to a Globalist-free tomorrow.

This is not an easy task and the brain washing and mind control of decades has had its toll on all Americans and citizens world-wide.  As I write these words, there will be ongoing arguments in America and around the globe, as the awakened attempt to create understanding within the populous.  Family and friend have been divided between the “regular” people and the “conspiracy theorists”. 

Most conspiracy investigators work without pay, or with less pay than they could garner.  Most suffer negativity from others.  Many have lost relationships.  Many have lost credibility and professional status and some have even lost their lives. And most don’t quit even in light of all this.  As they continue to learn, from evidenced-based official documents and sources, the more fishy things they smell as even more questions pop up to ponder. 

The Globalists like the further division of society and upset to the family unit.  The last thing they want is for the red pills of truth to be distributed and taken.  Mainstream media now openly mocks all those – many of whom are esteemed professionals – who dare to question certain sacred cows.   Yet Truth Seekers worth their salt, will try to awaken others.  We care not about our own egos and being “right”.  We are far, far past that.  Each day we hope we are wrong-very wrong, but with each new search, we are only more convinced otherwise.   

[1] Pines, Daniel L. (2009). “The Central Intelligence Agency’s “Family Jewels”: Legal Then? Legal Now?”. Indiana Law Journal. 84 (2): 638. Retrieved June 3, 2020.

 Robarge, David (2005). “McCone and the Secret Wars: Counterintelligence and Security”. John McCone as Director of Central Intelligence, 1961–1965 (Part 2). Washington, D.C.: Center for the Study of Intelligence. pp. 328–329. Archived from the original on September 18, 2016. Retrieved June 2, 2020.

 “Family Jewels”. FOIA Electronic Reading Room. Central Intelligence Agency. Archived from the original on September 18, 2016. Retrieved December 14, 2016. A searchable pdf of the report is available at the website of George Washington University’s National Security Archive.

So the next time – and there will be a next, and a next – someone gets upset with you for trying to inform them about what is actually taking place in the world, for the simple reason of hoping to warn them for their own well- being, remember that your only other choice is to say nothing.

Because the truth is that we are at war, for our lives, for our children’s future and for the continuation of the Human Species.  Yet only some of us can see the enemy and their weapons.  So the Emperors continue, as the tail wags the dog. 

Yet we cannot fight for Peace, as that is an oxymoron, and violence begets violence, as fear begets fear.  Our only choice is to continue the mission to awaken others.  It is a profound lack of respect for them, for ourselves, for the victims of the Globalist agenda, and for the Truth itself, to do otherwise. Silence at a time like this is not Peaceful, but ungodly.

And so we climb, together, we must be the ones asking questions, the ones with more open minds perhaps, more privilege to have the time maybe, perchance more discipline to do the research.  For with great privilege, comes great responsibility. 

We have before us a choice between something arduous and taxing, and something truly awful, for if we do not try to warn others less informed, we will need to watch the consequences they face.  Losing a friendship or family relationship while trying to awaken someone, is better than losing them anyway to the Globalist agendas without even whispers of truth reaching their ears. 

Our only defeat will come with silencing ourselves. 

Join us at Our Country, Our Choice.                                                                                  



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