Special Message from the Editor of Noglobalism.com, Our Country, Our Choice


Mary Otto-Chang HBA, MES, PhD Candidate

The globalists wish Americans to be divided.

Today I write as a person unfettered by political loyalty to any party.  Nationally apolitical all my life, I have spent much of my sixty plus yeas watching global trends of power.  Examining macro scale things in geopolitical landscapes mostly, I have voted nationally only three times, and each time was for a different party.  In those days, I voted for the person, not the party, and each time, I knew that person to some degree.  Back in the day, there was not a huge ideological difference in the main parties of many nations. 

In the past, the public largely felt that their elected governments were working in the general directions the public wished.  If the other party to one’s favored got elected, it was a disappointment, but it was never felt to be catastrophic.  And yes, all governments by their cumbersome nature, were grossly inefficient.  Typically, there were pork bellying deals, padded budgets, road work galore, and overseas proxy war interests,  with those in power skimming off the top, cutting deals with their friends and enjoying the various perks and kickbacks that were almost expected “fringe benefits” of holding office. 

Today, these divergences of honor are mere penny antes compared to what is going on.  With the U.K. erupting in what is being called a civil war, and here at OCOC HQ,  the winds of the edges of Hurricane Debby are whipping about the palms, as dark grey clouds obscure the Florida sun, I wonder what new hell I will read about today, as We The People continue to go through our “full catastrophe living” lives, most of us pressured, and many of us facing one awful thing after another. 

Not many people are truly happy these days.  Even on good days, there remains a questioning uneasiness under the surface.

Families and friends, remain divided by those searching for the truth and those hypnotized by the Globalist adoring, government-approved, mostly misinformed fodder, called the News.   Plainly seen truths can be seen in food prices sky rocketing, queer porno continuing in primary schools, transgendered children, and youth, robbed of wholesome futures, pondering suicide, as savings accounts have long been emptied,  and streets become more dangerous,  as our once robust society, upholding Human and Civil Rights and traditional American values – which worked quite well for two and a half centuries – simply rots away.

For many, if not the majority of Americans, we see Anniversary vacations, going away to college, festive weddings, renovated homes, dance lessons, all postponed, awaiting cancellation. There is a palpable pallor amongst the people for the most part, a lack of sparkle and far less joie de vivre.  

I am reminded of my journey to the Caribbean in the mid 1980’s.  Starting with a trip to (then USSR supported) Cuba, with my leftist boyfriend at the time, we noted how there was electricity and schools and good roads etc.  We also noted how somber people lined up for bread, and that we were not allowed to speak with any local Cubans, as we watched police, heavily armed, patrol the East Havana beaches. 

Jamaica was also visited. Jamaica with its twisted pot-holed roads, scampering urban goats, and laissez faire general tone, had real poverty too, but it was different.  Jamaicans still had their dreams, and they knew that they were the principal change agents in their own lives and they could be something if they really tried, worked hard, and if luck shone upon them.  They had hope.  They had freedom. They laughed.   

In Cuba, conversely, I felt most people there had resigned themselves to a dreamless life.  Think about that for a moment, a – dreamless- life.   Is this where America is heading? Has the American dream been cancelled? And if so, by who, as one thing is for sure, and that is Americans Love America.  Americans are not the ones cancelling American society.  Americans are not cancelling the American Dream. And they never, ever, ever will.  Nor will Americans ever vote for dream cancelling parties. No one can argue this.

Those Wokist peoples, so brainwashed by the Globalist Influencers, so against what America stands for, that while they reside in America – and benefit from its vast freedoms still –  I fail to see how they are “Americans” when they believe not in its founding ways.  So what’s the score then? Who is influencing them?  Who is controlling the airwaves?

We ask ourselves Why?  We ask ourselves How? Why on Earth are all these culturally crushing and socially sequestrating things happening in America – and in so many other countries too – all at the same time?  All in Lockstep. Who is funding this orchestrated melt down and who are its conductors?

People from other countries mostly praise America.  One thing though about Americans, and perhaps this is because we have historically been able to find all we seek within America, is that many of us look within, and not beyond, our own borders.  Yesteryears, this was not so important perhaps, but today this stance, is indeed perilous. 

Looking Beyond Our Borders Too – While many great journalists and writers are covering what is going on within the U.S.A., these days the NoGlobalism Team at Our Country, Our Choice is looking at some of the key driving global forces beyond American borders. 

Through fact-based research we summarize what that looks like, and most importantly, what that means for America –  and Americans.  This is why we choose to take deep dives into the more complex underpinnings of the global drivers of change that very much have a foot hold upon American soil.

Main Media Companies Ignore Global Drivers of Change – Great examination is ongoing, as are even forensic investigations, into every possible and imagined nook and cranny of political on-goings in the popular American media, while they say nothing at all about the levels of very real, and very big power, which lie far above the White House and Capitol Hill, which have trillions of dollars at their disposal and thousands of tentacles of influence into almost every government and society in nearly every nation state on Earth. 

This is not new.  This global capture has been slowly going on for decades.   Money has been being corralled into the handful of mega corporations, media has been pocketed too, as government leaders have been hand chosen, groomed and funded by such programs as the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders.  Please recall the UN and WEF are now (June 2019) full on bed fellows, sharing money and agendas, and coordinating plans with their various “friends with benefits”.

Klaus Schwab and Joe Biden share a giggle (Source:Pittsburgh Post/ Gazette), while Kalama Harris is quoted by the WEF.

The following weeks OCOC NoGlobalism Newsletters will provide hard evidence-based facts about global topics which are truly critical that all Americans understand.   These include:

  • Forces beyond American elected Government Representatives are heavily influencing, and at the highest levels, controlling, America;
  • At the Federal level, America is a Globalist-occupied territory under the Biden/Harris Administration;
  • Voting for the Biden/Harris Administration will continue this Globalist Occupation;
  • The Biden/Harris Administration (Democrat Leadership) champion the Fourth Industrial Revolution which ushers in the post humanist agenda;
  • The Biden/Harris Administration also supports Stakeholder Capitalism, a pro-extreme profit, self-serving, faux utilitarian, macro-economic model, now being imposed upon us;
  • Whatever happens to America will have massive impact upon dozens of other countries and millions of lives; and
  • Remember that there sadly is an “us and them”, and that is We the People of America and all nations, who stand against the overreach of Globalist interests towards their culling the herd as they craft a sleeker, more modern, transhumanist and AI-led global governance, which is, in no other more fitting words, absolutely, a Brave New World Order.

From a completely apolitical and nonpartisan perspective, one can say absolutely that the Biden / Harris Administration is a partner of the leading arms of the Globalists main project leaders which are the World Economic Forum and the United Nations.  This is a known fact and will be thoroughly detailed in the upcoming OCOC NoGlobalism Newsletters.

This is not to say that all other Government Representatives from all the parties are honest and not at all connected to Globalist interests, but the current Administration has for years been pro Globalist, pro Agenda 2030, pro WEF and pro UN, and Democratic Governments previously have openly supported Globalist interests and agendas. 

The globalists wish Americans to be divided.  Divide and conquer is an old, but trusted, strategy. So divided we will be, but the division which must arise, is the one of We the People, the electorate versus they, the authoritative, controlling Globalists.  All our energy splitting hairs about Republican this and Democrat that, comes to no avail whatsoever when the uber-powerful Globalists remain in power.  With the current Leadership of the Democratic Party today, this will continue guaranteed, if this Administration is allowed to move forward into the 2030 Agenda, and Fourth Industrial Revolution towards their planned – and very real – AI World Society (UN and WEF), which will make today’s atrocities seem like a picnic in the Garden of Eden. 

So at the next family gathering, workplace lunch or social function, refuse to please the Globalist Overlords.  And recall that they mock us, and play us at every turn.  With heartless devotion, as soulless meat-suits, they gather at their VIP clubs and covens,  elegantly planning to remove our property, our rights, our children, our food and ecological wealth, our energy, our borders, our health, our national and personal sovereignty, our religions and even our very humanness itself.

So when the Republican/Democratic Great Divide Discussions take place, turn the conversation to what is happening beyond America’s borders in the Geo-political global arenas of power and control.  Examine the Agendas of the Globalists and investigate how these overarching plans infiltrate into American politics and into the very homes and lives of everyday Americans.  Learn how your tax dollars are paying for many of their schemes.   Discussing the half lies and partial truths spewed forth by the coifed talking heads of stylish legacy media, is more than a waste of time, as it will only confuse and irritate the listeners further.

Only one thing matters in November and that is that America has to vote the Globalists supporting party, which is this current Biden/Harris Administration, out of office.  Seeking justice thereafter is another and secondary matter.  Nothing can be accomplished without the eradication and purging of all that is corrupt and treasonous in the governmental authorities in this country.  Nothing.  If this continues, things will get worse. Far worse.  Even with a change in government, all Americans will need to continue to work at all levels from personal on up, to regain all that is good about America as stated in the founding documents of the U.S.A.

Although we must pay heed to these Globalist forces horribly affecting American society, and greatly threatening our future and the future of the world, it is actually easy to oust those traitorous persons who represent globalist, rather than the Americans’, interests.  

Below, the Son of George Soros, cozies up to Kamala.  How ironic to note he says “Long Live the American Dream” when his Dad is one of the key people killing it.  The Globalists love to play these reverse psychologic games on us. 

By contrast, President Trump is a nationalist, who works in a multinational world. He is not a Globalist.

The takeaway to all Americans eligible to vote.  You have one job Americans.  You must vote and you must vote the Globalist supporting party out.  Today’s Democratic Leadership must go.

At the local level, if you know a Democratic Candidate who is sincerely fighting Globalism openly, then they should be given a chance and held to their promises.  But remember, The Biden/Harris Administration is the rot

I promise you, all evidence you want to see and more, will be presented in our Newsletters from now until November.  Previous Newsletters illustrate this also. The Globalists will be named in an upcoming OCOC NoGlobalism Special Quarterly to be released in September.   

My only kind request to you is that you take interest, ask questions and research yourself.  I ask you not to believe me, but rather to see for yourself.  In our writings we share few opinions, but rather mostly distillations of facts, from official sources.

There is good news too.  Our Country, Our Choice is launching a new platform this month, Re:PublicThis novel and innovative platform will give Americans the information and tools needed to take back America, giving clear direction and sound information.  Abraham Lincoln stated that the American Government was to be “of the People, by the People, for the People.”  Re:Public offers the tools to rebuild America as it was meant to be.  

For information about Re:Public, please see this link.  https://vimeo.com/yourrepublic/review/987706615/4413095e7e

To Our Readers, Thank You.  Without you, we would be just one hand clapping.   

Together, let’s get our America – America the Beautiful –  back.

NoGlobalism, at Our Country, Our Choice. 
