PART 1 - A Forced, Fascist, Fat-Cattish Globalist Economy

Stakeholder Capitalism

By Mary Otto-Chang HBA, MES, PhD (Candidate) with Greg Taylor

Stakeholder Capitalism – A Key Tool in the Globalists’ Toolkit

Globalism cannot thrive without a unifying social dynamic and a single hive mind. Globalism becomes less relevant if people are able to select or produce better (or alternative) options for living.   The concept of choice must be eliminated.

The political left has accepted this behavior wholeheartedly, and they are more than willing to collaborate with corporate oligarchs to bring their ideal system to pass. The anti-corporate progressive era is long gone; they now embrace corporate dominance—but only as long as such businesses uphold and advance leftist social ideas.

What is Stakeholder Capitalism?

The term “Stakeholder Capitalism” is the most apt way to characterize the rebranded fascism.  Globalists at the World Economic Forum and WEF chairman Klaus Schwab frequently utilize this phrase. A definition of stakeholder capitalism that is palatable to the media is: a type of capitalism where businesses aim to create long-term value by considering the demands of all of their stakeholders as well as society at large, rather of only maximizing short-term profits for shareholders.  Klaus Schwab’s chart as below illustrating Stakeholder Capitalism.

Before delving into more details, a summary of Stakeholder Capitalism is presented by Alex Newman who is an American award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and consultant.

North America Captured  The president of the Globalist Elder-George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF), Binaifer Nowrojee, claimed that Mexico is “leading the way” in the world and showing its “democratic commitment” with the election of its first female leader, Claudia Sheinbaum.[1]  

So North America – along, with other globalist held territories, are getting this twisted sister of capitalism served up in their deep fried economies, along with a side of Fascism and ‘mocktail’ of Altruism.


Support from the Biden/Harris Administration for Stakeholder Capitalism   

The Biden-Harris administration is poised to continue to act in this area, and various Globalist-cozy entities are urging them to do so.  A gang of Globalist supporting bodies under the orchestration of WEF Alumni – led, non-profit group ‘B Lab’, has proposed and implemented the creation of a White House Initiative on Inclusive Economic Growth[1] to coordinate federal policies around stakeholder capitalism that would also support the administration’s efforts to address three key crises: the COVID-19 economic fallout, a widening racial wealth gap and climate change.

During his presidential campaign, President Biden seemed to embrace stakeholder capitalism, saying it “isn’t a new or radical notion; these are basic values and principles that helped build this nation.”  Since taking office, President Biden has added to his staff professionals already engaged with stakeholder capitalism ideas in the competition law sector. For example, Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan previously critiqued the antitrust laws, arguing that factors such as workers’ wages can also indicate anti-competitive behavior—thus promoting a stakeholder-capitalism concept. [2] 

Back in August 2020, the Wall Street Journal stated “Is Joe Biden a moderate or a radical? He says businesses “have a responsibility to their workers, their community, to their country”—a truism. But he has also called for “an end to the era of shareholder capitalism.” He says it’s “untrue and a farce” that a company’s primary responsibility is to generate returns for shareholders.”[1]

Ambiguous Definitions

A key focus of the World Economic Forum’s annual Davos meeting for several years now has been on how to accelerate the related movements known as “stakeholder capitalism” and its footman, “ESG” (environmental, social, and governance).

What are the true meanings of these two terms? The definitions are intentionally ambiguous, but in general, stakeholder capitalism holds that companies should solve social issues with the resources they have at their disposal in order to maximize benefits to a variety of “stakeholders” (i.e., their customers, suppliers, communities, and countries), rather than just focusing on maximizing returns to owners.

ESG is still a subjective term that is applied to many different contexts, like as “diversity” programs and climate policy. Currently in use are over 600 different ESG reporting systems, many of which contradict one another.

A few basic questions are brought up by the ESG framework’s ambiguity, such as which social and stakeholder “ends” to optimize and how boards of directors and company executives should strike a balance between the interests and causes of various stakeholders. [1]

Furthermore, given that stakeholder needs and preferences frequently conflict, how can boards of directors assess the efficacy with which CEOs optimize social or stakeholder welfare? A CEO can say practically anything in this situation adds value for stakeholders for some groups.  It is a world of subjective vagueness without clear rules or guidance.

Stakeholder Capitalism as a Public Relations Front

Cynics have concluded that stakeholder capitalism is nothing more an elaborate public relations stunt espoused by big business to get through the current PR crisis. Business, they say, will go on doing what it has done since time immemorial: making money for itself.  The attraction of stakeholder capitalism as a public stance is that it doesn’t commit big business to do anything in particular. Firms can go on privately shoveling money to their shareholders and executives, while maintaining a public front of exquisite social sensitivity and exemplary altruism.[1]

Who are “all the stakeholders”?

They are all of human civilization, both now and in the future, according to Klaus Schwab. Stated differently, Stakeholder Capitalism aims to make corporate executives and multinational bureaucracies accountable to the world at large, rather than just their own staff, investors, and earnings. Furthermore, these leaders would function as a group rather than as individuals. Stated differently, Stakeholder Capitalism mandates that all large enterprises function as a single entity with a single goal and a single collectivist ideology—that is, as their own ideological monopoly.

Trickery and Treachery

The Globalists’ obscured and labyrinthic financial Endgame will indeed be inclusive –  and that is their revered Circular Economy by means of Klaus Schwab’s Stakeholder Capitalism Model, which will eventually end up within their self-serving, surveilled and controlled closed system of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). 

As usual, the Draconian Globalists are hiding their post humanist agendas behind real – albeit exaggerated and skewed –  ecological and social concerns.    This is why so many people believe them.  They get them by using partial truths, and thus most people instinctively believe the part that is true, and don’t notice the embedded lies and false intentions.    

Festering the situation, is the fear of speaking out as we witness ongoing criminal punishment for truth telling.  Other people are professionally ostracized for even questioning our authorities.  Added to this, is the continual exposure to the repeated regurgitation of prescribed monologue script coming out of the choired, and globalist hired, mainstream media.

The Stakeholder Capitalism idea is dishonest on face value because it makes it seem as though the public will vote on corporate decisions and hold companies accountable in a manner similar to “business democracy.” In actuality, businesses will be the ones dictating to the populace what constitutes appropriate behavior and thought, and they will work with governments to use their authority to penalize those who disagree.

To keep liberty-minded people from retaliating against them, they will conjure up all kinds of diversion and scapegoats. They will direct our attacks on China, Russia, and the leftists who are still useful. They’ll take aim at us with Russia, China, and the lefties. They will try to incite us to fight, label us terrorists or insurrectionists, claim we caused the entire collapse, and hold us responsible for all of the world’s problems. All of this is irrelevant. What ultimately matters that the wealthy globalists bear the consequences of the damage they create.

The big magic trick is that these same united corporations govern society without facing consequences by using the cover of “private property” and economic rights. Private property rights are, after all, a cornerstone of both conservatism and the US constitution. Thus, intervening to interfere with corporate governance would be a betrayal of one of our own most cherished principles. Although it sounds like a Catch-22, it’s not.

The same private property protections afforded to regular businesses should not apply to corporations, so long as the government continues to provide them with financial stimulation and bailouts. They are alien creatures, parasites of the natural world of commerce. They would be destroyed in a society founded on freedom in order to avert authoritarian outcomes.

Old Dogs, Old Tricks

Finally, it’s worth remembering that ESG and stakeholder capitalism are really nothing new—they used to be called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Milton Friedman warned against it 50 years ago. “Few trends could so thoroughly undermine the very foundations of our free society as the acceptance by corporate officials of a social responsibility other than to make as much money for their stockholders as possible,” he wrote. “If businessmen are civil servants rather than the employees of their stockholders then in a democracy they will, sooner or later, be chosen by the public techniques of election and appointment.”  Words that couldn’t be truer today.[2]

The ESG and stakeholder capitalism movements will ultimately see governments and unelected bodies and special-interest organizations, if needed/wanted, force businesses to choose the “appropriate” ends for businesses to achieve.  In many ways, these movements are simply different approaches to socialism—instead of governments owning the factors of production and commanding heights of the economy, ESG and stakeholder capitalism use the regulatory state (government) to control businesses for their own political and special-interest ends.[3]  They will endlessly grease each other’s wheels.

At a time when global elites are justifying mass social change in the name of public health and a more “equitable” future, it’s time to recognize the socialist nature of their arguments for stakeholder capitalism and the inevitable stagnation and increased poverty it will impose on citizens wherever it takes root.[4]

Love America

We must stand up to tyranny and the dystopian future that the WEF, globalists, owned politicians, UN, and globalist agencies wish for us. We must fight for our freedoms with a resolve that has not been seen for almost 80 years. We must root out the evil, starting with every politician who pushes globalist policies and vainly stands before us with a moral vacancy that pushes sustainability and equity at the cost of everything else. We must stand up united against the rise of this Globalist lot of twisted and unsavory Fourth Reich Wannabes

The most important action Americans can take is one.  Love America.  All you need to do is one thing.  You can’t love America and the Globalists at the same time as they diametrically oppose each other. 

So vote out the Biden/Harris Globalist, Stakeholder Capitalism-supporting Administration.  Seek out all globalist connected government activities and businesses and do not give them the time of day.  Boycott all Globalists campaigns and just say “No.”

Stay tuned for Stakeholder Capitalism Part 2 – Stop Stakeholder Capitalism’s Impact on America, Our World and Our Future.   Until then, join us at Our Country, Our Choice, in our efforts to rid Globalist interests from America.  Learn more at  


  • 1973 – The Davos Manifesto – Building an International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation (
  • What is stakeholder capitalism? It’s History and Relevance | World Economic Forum (
  • Terence Corcoran: The murky rise of Klaus Schwab’s stakeholder ‘capitalism’ and the WEF’s Davos corporate plan | Financial Post
  • The Great Reset: A Unique Twin Summit to Begin 2021 > Press releases | World Economic Forum (
  • Corporate governance | OECD
  • To build back better, we will have to reinvent capitalism | World Economic Forum (
  • Read online or download | The Great Taking
  • Are Human Rights Just Fictional Stories? – Word on Fire
  • “The idea of a Soul, Free Will — these are Over!” – Technocracy explained by Prof Yuval Harari (