PART 2: Stop Stakeholder Capitalism’s Impact on America, Our World and Our Future

Stakeholder Capitalism

By Mary Otto-Chang HBA, MES, PhD (Candidate) with Greg Taylor

Intel on the Globalist Control Center - Stakeholder Capitalism

Capitalist Man Bad – The World Economic Forum (WEF) is where capitalist billionaires discuss how bad capitalism is.  This exclusive private think tank, with annual membership fees beginning in the tens of thousands of dollars, has been promoting the fraught concept of stakeholder capitalism, softly for decades and most assertively since the beginning of the pandemic.[1]

At their meetings, the upper echelon of the ruling elite decide what is best for the World.  At the core of the World Economic Forum’s various global plans, is stakeholder capitalism.   It is the public / private partnership that has formed Klaus Schwab’s philosophy since the WEF was founded in 1971. Schwab has taken the principles prominent under the Nazis of the 1930’s, dirigisme economics, and is bringing it to a new modern audience as stakeholder capitalism.

The links to Nazi Germany should not come as a surprise. Schwab’s parents had moved from Switzerland to Germany during the Third Reich in order for his father to assume the role of Director at Escher Wyss AG, an industrial company and contractor for Hitler’s Nazi regime. Schwab is a child of the Nazi era. He seems intent on applying a similar regime to the world. [1]

Neither Fish nor Fowl –  Capitalism and communism have created, the WEF Teams allege, ecological and social downsides such as rising income inequality, a wealth gap and mass degradation of the environment.  The WEF argues that while both systems have created a more prosperous world, they are each flawed.

This, according to the WEF, is due to the dominance of key stakeholders in both shareholder and state systems.  Shareholders are only interested in short term gains they say, while the state is prone to corruption. Their argument is that only stakeholder capitalism can address all issues and ensure a brighter future for all.

The Globalists’ Utopian Dream is a nightmare for Everyone Else – The dream of the WEF is that all stakeholders in an economy and society are considered. Companies must be run not for immediate profit but with a longer terms vision that embraces equality and environmental needs in a sustainable and inclusive manner. While this sounds like a utopian dream it has several negatives, mainly who represents the stakeholders and who decides what is best for the long term.

The unfortunate conclusion is that just a few will make decisions that will impact all of us. Those that control orthodoxy will run the world. They will set the agenda to meet sustainability and inclusion. Globalists and politicians will have totalitarian power in a public / private partnership.

When Klaus Schwab talks about the Great Reset he is talking about the move from shareholder capitalism and its free market to stakeholder capitalism where a cabal of globalist corporatist and political elites decide what is science and what is best for us.

With Stakeholder capitalism. the need for a long-term view for businesses is key to a sustainable world. Companies must consider the impact of their operations both in terms of resources consumed and their output of pollutants that threaten our very existence. A view that takes in the planet as a whole is required because climate is not parochial. Pollutants such as greenhouse gases emitted in one country can impact the climate in another country. Problem-Reaction-Solution – Stakeholder capitalism must be an enforced global approach.

In previous newsletters we have talked about the WEF’s plan for equity in terms of energy and resource consumption that will require citizens of the west, particularly the US, to consume substantially less energy by 2050. Net zero and the Green New Deal is based on reducing emissions just as others such as China and India increase their theirs. The goal is equity for all other humans on the planet. You will suffer so that people elsewhere will benefit. It is global Marxism under the umbrella called Stakeholder Capitalism.

Stakeholder Capitalism (SHC) – Impact and Danger    This is the new Marxism that will play out if we do not stand up to the tyranny now. The WEF, globalists, UN and their agencies are enacting plans now to achieve their goals. Our politicians are coordinating with them.

The destabilization of the US through two-tiered policing, rampant illegal immigration, crime that is out of control in many cities, gas prices that are higher that they have ever been, inflation, out of control spending and almost every other failed economic policy introduced by politicians in recent years is pushing us to breaking point.

There is much discussion regarding the potential for a financial crash as the Democrat’s Marxist policies play out will lead to the greatest recession faced since 1929. Bidenomics comes at the great cost of increased debt now in excess of $35 trillion.

The US economy cannot sustain that level of debt without profound hardship. As banks fail, they will not look to the government for a bail-out. Your bank account, your 401k, your stocks and shares etc. will be used as a bail-in to pay off the banks’ creditors.

With an economic crash there will be a wealth transfer like never before.

Your wealth will be transferred to the globalist elites, as creditors to the banks and financial institutions. The ensuing chaos for normal citizens is planned. It all forms part of a plan to destabilize and burden the state to such a degree that drastic change is needed and will be welcomed. The great reset will be upon us.

Lacking freedom, the essential element to economic prosperity, stakeholder capitalism moves us closer to a new kind of socialism.  Stakeholder capitalism (SHC) and its appendages has been quietly gaining headway on the back burners of society and this silent stalker needs to be revealed for what is really is – and removed from free societies.

SHC is a system in which firms focus their business operations on non-core problems as well as external stakeholder groups’ concerns. In essence, SHC appears to be a group of social justice advocates dictating how you must engage, bank, work, and consume inside an economic system.

The self-appointed champagne socialist Globalist social justice warriors of today, are not the kind you see on college campuses. Instead, they are the extremely wealthy who believe that because of their enormous importance, they are entitled to direct others on how to live.

Goodbye Small Business – The World Economic Forum claims that the past four years have somehow shown capitalism as a failure when what we saw was anything but free and unencumbered markets. This attack can only be described as disingenuous. The truth, for many people, is that the events of the past few years have cemented in their minds the undesirability of government overreach. Besides just being disingenuous however, the push among the billionaire class for stakeholder capitalism is not only dangerous but also based purely on self-interest. Big businesses can easily adopt the social responsibility SHC. entails. Small businesses cannot.[1]

Not only is SHC a threat to the management of a nation’s most important economic producers, it is also a threat to the little platoon model that our society has formed. These little platoons are the institutions from the size of a family, to community groups and organizations, to businesses, unions and charities at the larger level. Think of the government being a light and individuals being that light’s subjects. These little platoons are placed in the middle refracting the power of the government. In order for these institutions to refract government power, however, they must truly be independent. But stakeholder capitalism ultimately rejects this view of organizing society by aiming to politicize everything.[2]    Essentially, stakeholder capitalism is the rebranding of totalitarianism. It weaponizes property rights against other liberal rights to force employees and consumers into adopting a particular worldview just to go about their lives.


We Don’t Need a New System – Encourage Capitalism and Denounce Stakeholder Capitalism   The majority of the concerns brought out by proponents of stakeholder capitalism and Environmental Social Governance are already, or could easily be, addressed within economic freedom and market forces. The interests of its workers, clients, investors, and the communities in which it operates must all be taken into consideration by every successful organization, regardless of size.   Failure to do so results in lower success rates or the weeding out of businesses in environments that are competitive. Stakeholder capitalism proponents frequently ignore this, one of capitalism’s greatest qualities.

Businesses and entrepreneurs can only succeed by benefiting their customers—unless granted special treatment by government.  If we as a society want better social outcomes, including greater economic growth, better living standards, more happiness, greater income mobility and better environmental outcomes, then as the research clearly shows, we should primarily rely on markets to make economic decisions.[1]

In other words, we need more good old capitalism, which relies on the bottom-up forces of workers, entrepreneurs, investors, business owners and families making decisions about where to invest their labor, savings and entrepreneurial energies. Not more top-down regulations dictated by unaccountable politicians, bureaucrats and interest groups.[2]

In terms of action, what can the average American do about such a deep rooted web?  Trying to even understand it all is a hill to climb.  At this stage, the WEF cannot be given an inch.  At the state level, demand that your representatives copy House Bill 2788, sponsored by Rep. Rachel Jones, R-Tucson, which would ban state governments from enacting any portion of the UN’s 2030 Agenda.   Supporting an effort like this is the key action.

Part 3: Americans in Action Against Stakeholder Capitalism will examine the mechanisms that make Stakeholder Capitalism work and what you can do to make it stop.   Until then, discover more information, ideas and actions to make sure your America, remains your America.

[1] tps://



1973 – The Davos Manifesto – Building an International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation (

What is stakeholder capitalism? It’s History and Relevance | World Economic Forum (

Terence Corcoran: The murky rise of Klaus Schwab’s stakeholder ‘capitalism’ and the WEF’s Davos corporate plan | Financial Post

The Great Reset: A Unique Twin Summit to Begin 2021 > Press releases | World Economic Forum (

Corporate governance | OECD

To build back better, we will have to reinvent capitalism | World Economic Forum (

Read online or download | The Great Taking

Are Human Rights Just Fictional Stories? – Word on Fire

“The idea of a Soul, Free Will — these are Over!” – Technocracy explained by Prof Yuval Harari (