Part 3: Americans in Action Against This Trojan Horse - Currently Stabled in your own Government!

Stakeholder Capitalism

By Mary Otto-Chang HBA, MES, PhD (Candidate) with Greg Taylor

Americans in Action Against This Trojan Horse - Currently Stabled in your own Government!


What every American needs to know

Stakeholder Capitalism

Part 3: Americans in Action Against This Trojan Horse – Currently Stabled in your own Government!

By Mary Otto-Chang, HBA, MES, PhD (Candidate) with Greg Taylor

In Parts 1 and 2: Stakeholder Capitalism, we looked at this Globalist push of Stakeholder Capitalism and how it impacts America and generally all countries where it is being rolled out.

Part 3 continues the deep dive and examines what Actions can be taken to stop this unwelcomed anti-human systemic invasion. The Globalists don’t play fair, they have their own set of rules, which change with the winds of fortune. Fortunes for them that is.

Let’s stop them in their tracks.

A brilliant person wrote the other day to say that informing may itself be the key action to take to stop the Globalists and their agendas of ruination such as is stakeholder capitalism. As when Americans understand what stakeholder capitalism is really all about, everyone will say “No” and not comply with their schemes. And they will also vote the current Globalist supporting Administration out of office on November 5th 2024.

But you won’t address a problem you are unaware of, and if you know a little something about the issue, but not much, then your energy won’t be used effectively and your outcome may not be so positive. As such, the foundational action to take is to become informed. And then share that information.

Here in Part 3, we present an action-oriented Stop Stakeholder Capitalism Information Guide, which you can simply share. Boots on the Ground Actions are also noted.



Information Based ACTIONS – Stop Stakeholder Capitalism Information Guide

Action 1 – Do Not Let the Globalist’s False Messages Hide Who They Are.

Action 2 – Do Not Fall for Their False Promises.

Action 3 – Do Not Believe Everything You Hear/ and Think Critically.

Action 4 – Know the Globalists and What They Control

Action 5 – Know the Globalists’ Goals and Agendas

Action 6 – Know the Globalists’ Key Formula – Problem/Reaction/Solution

Action 7 – Know How the Government is Not Working Democratically

Action 8 – Understand How the United Nations/WEF And Partners Can Infiltrate Influence into Your Local Town Affecting Your Family

Action 9 – Understand the Role of Stakeholder Capitalism in the Globalists Plans

Action 10 -Look to China to See America’s Future if the Globalists Continue

Action 11 – Realize that the Biden/Harris Administration are Globalist Supporters

Action 12 – Understand Where Stakeholder Capitalism Came From

Boots on the Ground ACTIONS

A – Involve yourself in local government. Be the government you want.

B – Contact all your government representatives and demand out of WEF/UN AGENDAS.

C – Encourage students to study what Stakeholder Capitalism really is.

D – Encourage church and social groups to unite and take action against Stakeholder Capitalism.

E – Boycott all Globalist associated businesses/companies that practice ESG/DEI policies.

F – Take part in Election Integrity – see and

G – Do Not Comply. Say No. Know your rights. Know the laws.

H – Boycott cashless businesses for example, and any businesses supporting the Sustainable Development Goals.

I – Tell others as to the Biden/Harris support of Globalists

J – Report your actions and stories in

K – Vote out Globalist supporting governments.

Stop Stakeholder Capitalism- Information Guide

at the end of the day, we will all need to draw lines in the sand for when enough is enough. no one will tell us that our choice to comply, or not to comply, will indeed, be what makes our future one of individualism and freedom – oR collectivism and slavery.

our country, our choice

If you have ever wondered how eight billion people could all be locked down with their rights removed all at the same time, Stakeholder Capitalism may give you an insight. Remember that in the context of the COVID pandemic the wealth of the richest globalists doubled while normal folks took on debt. Was COVID just a Globalist test for the great reset? If locking down the population of the world’s population is justified in the name of stakeholder capitalism what else would be acceptable? Is worse to come?


It is a race against time. Can the Globalists corral the many masses into technological based prisons – which are being rolled out now in various places – including America – before a critical number of us discover the truth and rebel and stand our ground?

It’s a race of us against them. We have already won, by our sheer numbers, if, and only if, we awaken and arise to our defense. Although strategic and calm we must be, there is great urgency in our task.

After much research, the team at answers a resounding YES, there is much worse to come if not checked. This is why we must take action today to stop stakeholder capitalism encroachment in America and around the world, as was detailed in Parts 1 and 2, – which was generally a summary of How Stakeholder Capitalism was set up to destroy Capitalism and overlay a Marxist/communistic type economic model upon us under the guise of helping “People and Planet”.

In reality Freedom is at risk like never before for Americans and for Humanity. Globalists are rolling out agendas towards limiting and eventually ending our FREEDOMS in many ways. Their agendas are breaking human and civil rights boldly every day. Judicial systems and media systems have been captured as have governmental leadership in many nations including the U.S.A. at this moment. The Globalists are gunning for economic and financial system overreach also.

We can look to China for our future, if things continue – as it is a totalitarian nation. Social credit systems monitor citizens who get points for what the government says is good social behavior and if they don’t obey, their basic rights, are taken away.

International agencies-and their ‘donors’- can, and do, influence nation states – even very powerful ones such as the U.S.A. Seeing as the UN (as of 2019) has formally joined forces with the World Economic Forum, the UN and democracy as we knew it, are no longer. Private and Public Money and Governance are now married, at a global level, with trillions of dollars at their disposal.

The endgame is a Transhumanist AI Governed World Authority of total surveillance and full control. Their pathways to that are apparent in today’s society of topsy-turvy economies, lockstep pandemics, global medical authorities, geo-engineered skies, global digital ID’s, Central Bank Digital Currency, Critical Race theory, Gender Ideology, unchecked and assisted Migration, free range hard drug use, and so many other crises to list. Furthermore, mounds of primary evidence clearly reflect that these forces are very much entrenched in American Soil.

With pressures at, and beyond, our borders, Americans must unite. Now is not the time to allow any form of fracturing within American society or detailing domestic issues presented by skewed media.



You may see writers referring to Globalism under many types of ideologies. This is because Stakeholder Capitalism tries to mix many things. Stakeholder Capitalism is also an incredibly arrogant premise because it assumes that corporate leaders have the wisdom or objective intelligence to expand their role beyond business and into social and political spheres. This has already happened in many respects with much chaos created, but open corporate governance is the end game and it is anything but objective or benevolent.

Stakeholder Capitalism as you can see is a gumbo of ideologies. The name itself is an oxymoron.

Globalists like to use a lot of new fancy sounding terms to confuse people. They love to do this.

When things are vague and confusing, there is a lot of room for interpretation. They love this also.

This gives them the power and ability to change things as they wish, as they go along.

The citizens of the world cannot figure out what they are really up to, through their many colorful animated websites and pages of fancy publications. All for the good of “People and Planet”.

It should read, All for the good of “Elite and Planet.”


Revolutions and Resets

For those of you who think that the globalists will not crash the system because they will lose everything are considering a world from the perspective of free market capitalism. With stakeholder capitalism the globalists will already own everything. You will own nothing.

The great reset to stakeholder capitalism, like any change of economic system, is likely to be traumatic. It will require a revolution.

Revolution: Russian Art 1917-1932 review – when anything was possible | Art | The Guardian

The 1917 Russian Revolution arose out of decades of poverty, dissent, revolt, and the economic bleakness of World War One.


China’s people similarly struggled in the early and mid-20th century before communism was imposed. In Germany in the 1930s Hitler and the Nazi’s came to power on the back of the austerity caused by the Treaty of Versailles and the worldwide depression that arose from the Wall Street crash of 1929.

Revolutions do not happen in stable countries. When enough people suffer for long enough, change can be made, new economic systems can be reset, and new regimes installed. We are being made to suffer now through WEF policies enacted by our treacherous political leaders. It will only get worse. It is all by design. It is all orchestrated by the World Economic Forum with the complicity of globalists and globalist-supporting politicians and VIPs.

Resets all start with a promise of a bright future, such as a sustainable utopia. The reality of systems that offer little freedom are bleak and often murderous. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, a victim of the Soviet communist regime explained “All communist parties, upon attaining power, have become completely merciless. But at the stage before they achieve power it is necessary to use disguises.” The WEF promises a brighter future through stakeholder capitalism. Death and destruction will follow at the merciless hand of heartless globalists.


Today, to understand the context you are in, is truly difficult. The vast majority of “authoritative figures” be they from media, government, academia, the private sector, entertainment, sports celebrities, or grand international organizations, all present a consistent narrative together in orchestration.

Adding to that, these same groups also proclaim that other reports, which contradict their “storyline”, are made by dangerous conspiracy theorists, whose presence must be removed, whose voices must be silenced and whose disinformation must be pretty much burned at the stake.

Their bank accounts must also be unlawfully frozen and jail time for them remains a consideration.

Critical thinking skills and practice is declining and this is a wide collective conclusion of many researchers and experts in such fields as psychology and education.

Many accept what they are told without asking questions, even fewer dig for answers, and hardly anyone engages alternate views.

Critical thinking is an activity—a mental exercise.

Both physical and mental exercise can be problematic and are frequently avoided.

The resulting decisions are convenient, politically correct, and seldom disruptive.


Although the true pillars of power behind the Globalists world domination venture is an ongoing investigation, what presents itself to the public is led by the World Economic Forum and UN, with the blessings of the G20 governments. Under cover of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, we are being directed into various socio-economic conundrums. Falsifying that these Globalist-led agendas are for the survival and sustainability of the “People and Planet”, the Davos men and gang portray themselves as the ultimate altruists- saviors of the Earth sort.

Meanwhile they continue to pay for and push the very same automation technologies which will make redundant over 50% of Western Countries working class and much of middle class and bring them to their knees, at which point they will have no choice but to depend on the Government and their new economic model of stakeholder capitalism.

The WEF has been laying out this web of affiliates for decades. It is multileveled, complex, in all aspects of human life, and it is of massive proportion and strength. is soon releasing a Special Quarterly Newsletter about WHO the Globalists are. The image to the left, depicts the visible groups within the Globalists. WEF and UN in the center represent the main project leaders and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are their main public organizing principle. The true long term agenda has stakeholder capitalism as its backbone. This is detailed in Action 9. For more information on Globalists-

As of June 2019, the world’s money and power are friends with benefits. Perhaps this is why the world has gone crazy ever since then? Quite a coincidence that the G20 Countries, as well as some stragglers, have all been in lockstep ever since, rolling out one unpopular agenda of foolishness, after another.

“NOT OUR FAULT” – Through careful planning and preparation, the Globalist system ensured they will not be liable for the disasters they create in the tide of their resetting and profiteering. One can clearly see here, how GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance, which has been a heavily US funded operation since the get go, was given immunity in 2009. The GAVI’s operational arm COVAX did all the negotiation, contracting and trading for the COVID Vaccine Industry. This is very clever of them and a technique the Globalists often use.

Like the United Nations, the World Economic Forum has had privileges and immunity given by the Swiss Government since 2015.

GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance was accepted to the list of organizations in 2009.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. provided $4 billion in FY 2021 emergency funding to GAVI COVID-19 vaccine procurement and delivery support under COVAX, making the U.S. the largest donor to COVAX (33% of $12.3 billion received overall).12 In addition to its financial support for COVAX, the U.S. donated the largest number of COVID-19 vaccines to other countries.

Coordinated and administered by Gavi, the COVAX Facility was responsible for global procurement and delivery at scale for COVAX – managing the end-to-end effort including relationships with the 195 countries and territories that signed on as participants and/or donors. COVAX Facility participants had access to the largest and most diverse portfolio of COVID-19 vaccines in the world, through COVAX purchase agreements and dose donations.

The U.S. Government and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance


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The UN/WEF Partnership Framework will convene the Multi-Stakeholder Global Government. There exists a mind boggling maze of agencies, bureaus, departments, offices and organizations surrounding the roll out of the Global Goals – and the infrastructure to go with them.

There is a colossal network around the – Global Goals – Sustainable Development Goals, which are the main pillars around which all the Globalists real intentions are subsumed. The SDG’s are woven through society and through Stakeholder Capitalism which will be woven through our economic fabric too. All substantial development agencies and financial institutions at all levels, are employing the SDG’s. The United Nations manages the SDGs and has a huge structure within it to do so. They have many partners. WEF is their KEY partner.

The World Economic Forum has Global Future Councils. There are 30 of them. To quote their own words. “The Councils work as a time-bound, invitation only, think-tank and convenes around 600 of the most relevant and knowledgeable thought leaders from academia, government, international organizations, business, and civil society, grouped in expertise-based thematic councils.”

They continue to proclaim themselves Top Influencers. “The World Economic Forum’s Network of Global Future Councils is the world’s foremost multi-stakeholder and interdisciplinary knowledge network dedicated to promoting innovative thinking to shape a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable future. Each council’s insights are taken forward by the Forum’s ongoing initiatives, communities and meetings to ensure impact.” WEF

Amongst the High Level Political Forums and Public/Private Partnership this and that, more than ample opportunities will be arranged for the UN and WEF Kingpins to share agendas, plans, contacts and pocket books.


Antonio Guterres to seek second five ...At the broadest level the Globalists are trying to weaken us. They are also culling the herd. They strive to divide us from our highest source of inspiration and strength, as atheistic and secular paradigms are pushed. They aim to separate us from nature, with all things synthetic and inorganic, and with life itself now “genetically modified”. Divide us amongst our own kind, on race, on vaccine status, on political views, on religion and so on. Enter even our own minds and divide us within ourselves, intolerant of the shape of our own face and body, and even defiant of our own genders. With each level of alienation from our normal and needed connections, Humanity will continue to feel disassociated, alienated and generally ill at ease. This is the root cause of a plentitude of emotional and mental stresses and addictions.

“Global governance may sound lofty or abstract; it is not,” said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, presenting his report to the UN General Assembly on 10 September 2021.

Globalists are striving for a Societal Division Crisis –Loss of Democratic frameworks and systems, Loss of Judicial System and Law Enforcement, Loss of Health and Education Systems, Loss of all government support and general governmental compromise and corruption at a catastrophic level, continuing unabated growth and increasing infiltration and control of the UN/WEF Industrial Complex towards a unilaterally controlled Transhumanist Technocratic Authoritarian Dystopia in the form of an AI World Society. They are gunning for a complete breakdown of socio-economic function so they can “reset” us to how they want us to be. They want us to be gone quite frankly, as soon as robotics can take over. Universal Income, lack of private ownership, Censorship, Digital ID, Central Bank Digital Currency and Social Credit Scores make up their cornerstones of capture. Stakeholder Capitalism is the economic system which will achieve this social breakdown for the Globalists.

These two diagrams below look complicated. They are. I wished to provide evidence for those who wish to wade through it. Globalists move in very Draconian ways. They are complicated creatures. They are arrogant too, and think we cannot figure things out. They are wrong.

As we can see, the transparent agendas in the first diagram look like regular Sustainable Development. The next page will highlight the shadow agendas which are inside the Trojan Horse as shown in the lower diagram in red. These are the important ones to watch.

The main Shadow Agendas of the Globalists are the Transhumanist and Post Humanist Agendas. There are many books and videos detailing how the Globalists true objectives have been smuggled into acceptability through the millions of words presented to us by the Globalists and their appendages and mouthpieces.

One can look into all of the publically presented Agendas, such as Agenda 21, the MDG’s, and not see anything so obviously being off kilter. One can however, see easily that – like all legalese – the Globalists organizations such as the UN, are high-level wordsmiths, who operate fluently and flawlessly in many tongues (six languages).

However, one can far more easily read between the lines and take a different angle on interpretation of the “show room” Agendas such as Agenda 2030, The Green New Deal, Zero Net and so on, when one has been exposed to the “Shadow Agendas”. Those shadow efforts currently being pushed are:

  • technological innovation in AI, Robotics and Automation; 50% work force lose work
  • interlinking, Globalized, Standardized, Digital, ID’s, Money (CBDC), Social Credit Scores, Bio-markers, indicators for Health – physical and emotional, Monitored Thoughts, Geographically Tracked;
  • creation of 15 minute cities;
  • ruination of food and water sources;
  • geo-engineering our weather while making toxic our world;
  • massive inflation rates;
  • obliteration of conventional codes of Western social and cultural practice;
  • eradication of Christianity;
  • roll out of dependence agendas on society – universal basic income –
  • mixing of races and cultures;
  • free range hard drug use
  • orchestrated distribution of illegal migrant hordes;
  • decreased fertility, increased abortions and deaths;
  • child trafficking and abuse in full view unaddressed;
  • social division through fabricated gender and racial tensions and confusions;
  • crashed capitalism; introduce stakeholder capitalism
  • corruption of judicial systems;
  • experimental medical treatments
  • State of Emergency roll out when wished;
  • Corruption of governance systems; and compromised law enforcement;
  • deletion of parental rights;
  • medical and health tyranny;
  • Carbon-control;
  • censorship and no freedom of expression;
  • educational indoctrination and so many more.

One global government

One global, cash-free currency

One central global bank

One global army

End of national sovereignty

End of all private property

End of the family unit

Population displacement, control over the population growth and population density

Multiple mandatory vaccinations

Universal basic income (rationing policy)

Microchips for purchases, traveling, surveillance and control

Implementing a global social credit system

Trillions connected to surveillance system

Government to raise all children

Government-owned schools and universities

End of private transportation, car ownership

All businesses owned by the government

Restriction of non-essential air travel

Humans will be concentrated in settlements

End of irrigation

End of private livestock farms

End of family homes

Limited use of the land for human needs

Ban on non-synthetic remedies /naturopathy

End of fossil fuels

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The great technological tsunami is reflected in Klaus Schwab’s book of 2017, The Fourth Industrial Revolution. They are termed “shifts” and “tipping points” but are really the indicators for “readiness” for “resetting” our world according to their ideas. Twenty-two of the 23 Goals relate to technology. Only one is an outlier – “shared economy” which is similar to Stakeholder Capitalism.

The Globalists work hand in glove with Big Tech. A sufficient level of automation in whatever form will allow for the halving of jobs, and from that will form the societal dependence upon them, that they plan. Stakeholder Capitalism will finish the job of decimating the working and middle classes. Once dependent, the masses can be corralled.

The WEF and UN make is seem like the Fourth Revolution of AI and Robotic Technology is just happening to the world and they are helping Humanity adapt. This is untrue. The Globalists are promoting and funding and driving technology like never before. They are ensuring that all regulatory and governance means, are looking the other way when it comes to AI and Robotics.


At first glance, this “UN 100 Year Anniversary Initiative” appears a sort of airy fairy, touchy feely type of thesis, that could have come out of a Californian graduate school of philosophy. This report, which really is a global plan for the future, is as obscure as the agencies seemingly behind it. The UN Academic Impact Group, UN 100 Year Initiative and Boston Global Forum have produced this gem. The fact that it is endorsed by two UN affiliates and aligns with the goals of the 4th IR as above, should not be overlooked. For more information, please see this very informative – and quite shocking – documentary analysis video.


In New York, late September, two meetings will take place – The UN Hosted Summit of the Future alongside the WEF Hosted Sustainable Development Impact Meeting. Same time, same town, same topic, – give or take – by the same two partner organizations, which have put themselves in charge of Global Governance.

Old Contract - Stoneshard Wiki

By end September, 2024, 193 countries may have signed off on their new “PACT” which will make certain gains for the Globalists, in 11 Key Areas. Of special note is the creation of a new top level tier for the UN itself – the High Level Advisory Board, which will most likely serve as some form of liaison between the WEF and the UN. There are many areas of concern including Freedom of Speech, push for Stakeholder Capitalism, and the establishment of an “Emergency Platform” on the Agenda.

During these deliberations, the UN will become UN 2.0, fully aligned to work in partnership with the WEF and associates in all ways. Having two separate venues allows the UN/WEF bedfellows far more freedoms, scope and opportunities, seeing as the only one WEF answers to is itself. So they can handle the unsavory tasks, while the UN gives everything a glossy coating.

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For details on the Globalist’s Agendas –


The Globalists are creating Problem / Reaction / Solution towards their end goals ——for example the steady flow of millions of illegal immigrants, as well as the steady flow of cash from taxpayer to the same illegals, via government, are part of their play to turn America –and other countries too– into complete chaos.

This table depicts how the Globalists use the Problem/Reaction/Solution Formula. Various examples are shown, with stakeholder capitalism in bold.













Climate Variability

Fatal Irreversible Climate Change

Mass panic – People believe in climate change

Carbon Controls

Reforestation, Carbon Capture/Sequestration, free energy research, +


Create Gain of Function bio arms

Use PCR Tests with multipliers to exaggerate cases

Treat Counter indicatively to drive up deaths/ Media Lies

Masks/ separation

Citizens far more frightened about a viral illness, making them weaker, more vulnerable, and far more willing to obey authorities.

State of Emergency

Lock down

Vaccine Roll Outs

Auxiliary businesses PPE

WHO Treaty –

Global Pandemic Governance in place

Crash Economy

Weaken Society

Do not create bioweapons. Vitamins D and C, Zinc

Fresh food and water


Fresh Air/Open Homes

Azithromycin for secondary infection prevention

Repurposed medicines known to treat viruses

Capitalism can become unbalanced

Globalist funded Occupy Wall Street, BLM, LGBT plus, Stop Oil, among other movements made people believe Capitalism is the GREAT OPPRESSOR.

Capitalism is bad.

Stakeholder Capitalism is the answer.

For decades, thousands of models and tools, which work for ecological sustainability and human development, within a conventional capitalist system. have been created and employed. The success stories are there.

Lacks in oversight for US border control

Globalist funded rampant uncontrolled, unmanaged, illegal migration into the US upwards of twenty million. (16M 2023)

Population is fearful as crime rises, and with more local scale socio-economic devastation. Divides society/causes social unrest. Government acts like it is helpless /preaches inclusion to those affected.

Good excuse to remove guns/weapons, roll out digital ID, cashless society with CBDC, Digital ID for internet and social access such as banking/ may make the idea of living in a 15 minute city/social credit scores more appealing.

Border Wall.

Better trained and funded personnel.

Hard penalties for law breakers.

Immediate deportation of illegal migrants and all irregular family members.


The basic flow of Democracy can be seen in the diagrams below. The left one depicts how the process is supposed to work. The right side shows where there is currently interference by unelected interests, un-American interests. As one can see, nefarious interests are ridden throughout the entire process. This is precisely why so many Americans today are thinking – This is NOT the America I voted for. This infiltration of Globalists interests is the reason.

As one can see above, there is corruption absolutely throughout the entire democratic governmental processes. This is the worst at the highest levels and lessens at the lower levels. The following chart shows the approximated corruption affecting America today. Due to the hierarchical chain of command in the public service, one bad apple spoils the whole bunch.


Here we see a simple depiction of how the Globalists infiltrate into America Society. This also shows the complete hierarchical nature of public sector (government/inter-government). Although, Private Sector (for profit organizations), Non-governmental Organizations, Academic Institution, Faith Based Organizations and Think Tanks are all also hierarchical.

Top down command is what the Globalists count on to get their unpopular plans driven into our societies, whether the public likes it or not. Shown is how the public servants serve the Globalists, again mostly by means of the hierarchy structure and chain of command, and partly by means of the subordinates never taking the risk of questioning their superiors. It is blind obedience, not so much because the beneficiaries of the Globalists systems, cannot see, but rather because seeing the truth, and God forbid, acting upon it, is inconvenient – and expensive.

The top level represents the International Elite. Now that the World Economic Forum and the UN are partners, (2019), the power this merger welds is at the highest levels of money and governance (politics). There are different colors representing different interests and nationalities. Circling all of them are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). The SDG’s are generally speaking, the Global Project of the Elites to help reset their world. (It is also Our World, but they forget this.) Stakeholder Capitalism is a pivotal part of their agenda.

The Blue Dot represents the American Delegate in the Elite Level of Globalists.

He or she will then direct the relative American National to follow the SDG’s.

That National/Federal Level representative will then continue to relay the same directives down through state, city, county and local authority levels, which then impacts upon the American family itself.

Today, we hear accounts about how gross government overreach goes right into the hearts of American lives. Let us use the diagram below again to illustrate how this happens. In this case the largest colored dots representing the WEF/UN plus Elite, are writing the UN Guiding Principles for Stakeholder Capitalism and Local Business. (WEF’s name included quietly, although they footed the bill.)

So the American delegate for this subject – again the blue dot, directs the National Level Focal Point on this issue. He or she will then adopt that policy – (rules) at the National Level. The information the American National will be given, will all sound very positive and professional and will have been endorsed by many Globalist controlled organizations. So the National Level person obeys. If he or she has questions, they will be swept aside. The high paying job must be protected.

So this repeats down into the state, city, county and local authority levels. The UN Policy Guiding Principles on Stakeholder Capitalism become National Policy, then State Policy, then City and County Policy and local Chamber of Commerce Policy perhaps too.

So by this time, the smallest legislative districts, and all those above them, have the same legislation – policies and laws – with some unimportant details perhaps tweaked – instructing all citizens to follow the same lockstep rules.

Big Business is now partnered to the UN through the WEF, so this means that many large corporate interests, within even small communities, will be rooting for Stakeholder Capitalism as their highest level CEO of their parent company tells them too.

If, for example, a community were to adopt Stakeholder Capitalism ideology and enact all accompanying legislative instruments, it had within its grasp, this would cripple and eventually eliminate all small businesses within the locale. Small and most medium sized businesses simply cannot afford to implement the Environmental, Social, Governmental (ESG) requirements, demanded by stakeholder capitalism. It is a fact that Stakeholder Capitalism will crush all small business and local commerce.

The Future in America if Stakeholder Capitalism is left Unchecked


In 2020, G20 governments, in collusion with the World Economic Forum’s Stakeholders, and key partner, the United Nations, discretely and undemocratically enacted a global ten-year transition to an authoritarian economic system, called Stakeholder Capitalism.

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After propagating a Marxist idea that people and planet are oppressed by Capitalism, as reflected in the Globalist orchestrated BLM, LGBTQ, Stop Oil, and so on campaigns, and after indoctrinating us to fear climate change, the “Stakeholders” are mandating their pre-planned new economic and governmental systems which they allege are better for ‘people and planet’.

Once the masses believe that Capitalism must go, they will gladly accept a new alternative. Led by the most powerful people on the planet – the UN/WEF Industrial Complex – the key project of the Globalists – the G20 Countries – and a few others – is transitioning to another form of economic model. From Capitalism to Stakeholder Capitalism.

The restrictions that the Government plans to make mandatory relate to ESG- which is Environmental, Social, Governance and then DEI, which is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Corporations have to measure up in all these categories as to how the Globalists say they should.

They have developed what they call “Metrics” which are measures and act as a type of Value. These metrics, which are endlessly complicated, subjective and many times vague, will hold weight when the government assesses a company on its lean and green triple bottom line of finance, DEI and ESG. The Globalists guidance on this is ridiculous, hundreds of pages of who knows what, no one will ever use, unless held hostage –which they will be.

Apart from ensuring that the private sector is marching alongside all directives of its Government master, adhering to ESC and DEI requirements will require specialists that only large corporations can afford. This will knock the bottom out of small and medium private businesses.

In addition to this, Globalist Stakeholders are orchestrating a mega-employment collapse also. By greatly aiding and funding AI, Robotics and Automation, they estimate that about 50% of the Global Work Force will be made redundant in the future.

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Key advisor to the Davos Set is Yuval Noah Harari. He explains what happens to the 50% who lose their jobs. He is also recognized for stating that the new “useless class” will be kept in line with “drugs and video games”.

Perhaps this is why the UN/WEF has so much interest in the Metaverse – hiring many professionals to work in such things as the Governance of the Metaverse. There are obvious pushes for society to walk the virtual path in many ways. The more time people are in the Metaverse, the better as far as the Globalists are concerned.

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The keepers of Stakeholder Capitalism call themselves the Council for Inclusive Capitalism. This is the most blatant expression of open global fascism. with money elites and politicians working in concert with the UN and even religious leaders like Pope Francis. Their goal is to institute a single centralized world governing platform built around the same agendas outlined in Stakeholder Capitalism –ESG/DEI, making corporations members of a new global council which they refer to as “The Guardians.” They aren’t even trying to hide the conspiracy anymore, it’s right out in the open.

What are examples of this kind of corporate / governance (fascism) in action?

Big Tech social media censorship has been leaning HEAVILY indeed against conservatives and liberty activists.

There is much evidence of collusion between Big Tech companies and government, such as the Biden /Harris Administration and the DHS working very closely with Twitter in 2022, and Facebook to actively remove voices and viewpoints they dislike.

And then there is also the example of corporate leaders colluding to destroy conservative based social media competitors like Parler.


“The Chinese Model is certainly a very attractive Model for quite a number of countries.” Klaus Schwab

China has been developing a “social score” system that has also created a dystopian nightmare where citizens can track each other on radar-style “lowlife” scanners. The nightmarish scheme blacklists “lazy” citizens who get into debt or spend their time playing video games in a creepy initiative that could have come straight out of Black Mirror.

The scheme was first unveiled in 2014 and has been trialed in cities and provinces each using their own system – tracking financial and social worth. Since then, millions of people with low “social credit” have been banned from taking flights and planes because of the system. And then people with high credit get discounts, get shorter waiting times at government-run institutes and are more likely to get jobs.

In China’s five-year plan, which covers 2021 to 2025, the regime states: “We will also closely guard against, and a crackdown on, the infiltration, sabotage, subversion and separatist activities of hostile forces.” (The Sun 2021)

One scheme in place as of 2021 is the so-called “Sharp Eyes” program which covers 100% of all public spaces in cameras. It is named after a quote from China’s former dictator Mao Zedong that “the people have sharp eyes” when looking out for neighbors not living up to Communist values. Sharp Eyes has already seen more than 200 million public and private security cameras installed across China, reports tech and science journal One Eye.

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r/interestingasfuck - China's Social Credit System


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The Biden/Schwab bromance has been blossoming for decades. Joe Biden has been to the WEF’s Annual Meetings and workshops as a regular. As Senator and then as Vice President, Joe Biden was recognized by Klaus Schwab on more than one occasion as working very hard for the goals of the WEF. In the photo (left), Klaus congratulates Vice President Biden, in 2016, for being very committed to the goals of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and being one of the Forum’s hardest workers. Vice President Biden then gave an Address at the WEF Meeting in Davos praising Stakeholder Capitalism for being the way to go.

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Part of President Biden’s vision for his own BIDEN Institute, opened in 2017, is an annual conference, similar to the World Economic Forum or the Aspen Institute.

“The best minds and most influential leaders in the country and the world would come here to the University to discuss and debate policy issues”, Biden said, adding that he is soon meeting with Forum Founder, Klaus Schwab.

I think we can come up with a version of that at the University.


The concept of stakeholder capitalism had been considered by many in the 1950s and 60s before Klaus Schwab became its primary proponent with his book Modern Company Management in Mechanical Engineering in 1971, the same year that the World Economic Forum, then known as the European Management Forum, was established. 1973 at the third European Management Symposium in Davos Switzerland keynote speaker Aurelio Peccei, and Italian industrialist and a member of the Club of Rome, spoke about Limits of Growth, a Club of Rome publication that questioned the sustainability of global economic growth. The book expressed a view that businesses must consider economic development against environmental stresses. Following that speech, the participants in the symposium drafted a code of ethics based on the stakeholder concept that became known as the Davos Manifesto. That is the basis of stakeholder capitalism we see today being pushed by the WEF.



Consider the words of Yuval Noah Harari, long term WEF and UN contributor “Human rights, just like God and heaven, are just a story that we’ve invented. They are not an objective reality.” This should not come as a surprise because Harari does not think that free will is something that will be about in the age of the fourth industrial revolution; “If you have enough data and you have enough computing power you can understand people better than they understand themselves. And then you can manipulate them in ways that were previously impossible. And in such a situation the old democratic system stops functioning. We need to reinvent democracy for this new era.”

Schwab’s failure to mention human rights are not uncommon within the WEF. That new era is stakeholder capitalism and the fourth industrial revolution. Stakeholder capitalism cares not for human rights, nor free will, nor democracy as we understand it. Only the elite will be important. Normal folk will be considered sub-beings.

Boots on the Ground ACTIONS

A – Involve yourself in local government. Be the government you want.

B – Contact all your government representatives and demand out of WEF/UN AGENDAS.

C – Encourage students to study what Stakeholder Capitalism really is.

D – Encourage church and social groups to unite and take action against Stakeholder Capitalism.

E – Boycott all Globalist associated businesses/companies that practice ESG/DEI policies.

F – Take part in Election Integrity – see and

G – Do Not Comply. Say No. Know your rights. Know the laws.

H – Boycott cashless businesses for example, and any businesses supporting the Sustainable Development Goals.

I – Tell others as to the Biden/Harris support of Globalists

J – Report your actions and stories in

K – Vote out Globalist supporting governments.

Boots on the Ground Actions will be detailed in the forthcoming editions of and on


Klaus Schwab takes special care to mention often that global crisis events are the “opportunity” that is needed to push the public into the arms of Stakeholder Capitalism (SC) through a nexus point called “The Great Reset.” Meaning, he thinks that widespread fear and desperation must exist (or be engineered) to perpetuate the SC framework quickly.

Obviously, the globalists are on a shrinking timeline, though it’s hard to say why. They are tearing off the mask faster in the past two years than they have in the previous decade. More than likely they understand to some degree that if they go too slow the public will have time to mount a defense against them.

As we have become aware since the authoritative control of the narrative by governments, social media, and others during COVID, little was as explained to us. The settled science was not, as it turns out, correct. Lies propagated the mainstream media. All that was important was the orthodoxy of the globalists.

If the World Economic Forum impossible promises come to pass, with the blessing of our political and business leaders, we are guaranteed a sustainable wonderland, where climate change is a thing of the past, where we will never run out of resources, and there will be no inequality. All companies will be run for the benefit of the people and planet.

To get there, we are told we must change our economic system from a free market to what the WEF calls stakeholder capitalism where arrogant VIPs, businessmen and politicians decide our fate. The reality is that the globalists, acting as stakeholders for people and planet, will be in charge of a world where normal folks, lucky enough to survive their culling the herd, will be held captive in “eco-camps” called 15-minute cities, where our every action is surveilled and where dissent of any kind is not tolerated.

There will be no freedom. Our globalist overlords will impose Marxism on us as they enjoy an exalted status. Fascism from the Globalists to enforce Marxism on normal citizens. We will live under a perverse and twisted sister of the Third Reich.

Knowledge is power. It is guaranteed that once someone becomes aware of the greater undercurrents of Building Back Better, one will, without doubt, remain aware.  Thus at some point, the balance will be tipped and there will indeed be an informed critical mass.  When the salt of the earth masses overrule the implementation of the various “agendas”, then all associated, will be deemed, to at least some extent involved, as active participants, or silent observers.  Either way, they will all unfortunately face loss in some form.

All the things the public service works for and all society does, without addressing the underlying root cause of an omnipresent, Transhumanist inspired, globalist and monopolized, politically infiltrated, economically controlling, authoritative, and technocratic system which only serves itself, privileging a select few, will amount to nothing more than the proverbial rearrangement of deckchairs on the Titanic.

We, The People, eight billion plus souls, are the strongest living change agent on this planet.  We can choose to do things differently, every moment, every day.  And we must choose to try not, as we need choose only, to do.  For failure is not an option, and it matters if we don´t just give up.


1973 – The Davos Manifesto – Building an International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation (

What is stakeholder capitalism? It’s History and Relevance | World Economic Forum (

Terence Corcoran: The murky rise of Klaus Schwab’s stakeholder ‘capitalism’ and the WEF’s Davos corporate plan | Financial Post

The Great Reset: A Unique Twin Summit to Begin 2021 > Press releases | World Economic Forum (

Corporate governance | OECD

To build back better, we will have to reinvent capitalism | World Economic Forum (

Read online or download | The Great Taking

Are Human Rights Just Fictional Stories? – Word on Fire

“The idea of a Soul, Free Will — these are Over!” – Technocracy explained by Prof Yuval Harari (

After all, we are so much greater than pawns in someone else’s chess game.