Special Election Double Feature – Please Share

Your Future – Your Choice

By Mary Otto-Chang HBA, MES, PhD (Candidate) with Greg Taylor

Message to Young Americans

The future is at risk. In the third week of September, 2024, almost all Governments of the world, under the umbrella of the United Nations, agreed on a PACT for the Future. This whisper in the media, will change our lives forever, if it comes into teethed fruition in global guidelines and national legislation.

As the ink dried on the signatures of the PACT for the Future, our hopes, our goals, our dreams for the future, may well have too evaporated. For if things progress under these relentless Globalist’s Interests, and if these goals of the United Nations – and partners – become policy and legislation, within the United States of America, we will all be affected – affected adversely. We will not like it. And it will harm us.

The PACT will steal from a future which is not its own. It steals the future from us all, but those younger, will suffer most. For as the dystopian Global Agendas progress, conditions for humanity will decline.

Living many years may no longer be seen as a Blessing.

Young Americans need to know these things:

  • Globalists and Global Government is Real.
  • Globalists’ Agendas are in their Own Interests not Yours.
  • Globalists Control Big Media, much of Big Business and key monetary systems.
  • By varying degrees, Globalists Influence the G20 Governments
  • Using the “Opportunities” of Emergencies and Global Shocks, Globalists usher in their Great Reset for the 4th Industrial Revolution and Stakeholder Capitalism.
  • Their Reset Involves Crushing Free and Democratic Societies and Governance Structures to remove sovereignty and establish a One World Government.
  • The Biden/Harris Administration is fully aligned with these Globalist Agendas and this is why such tumultuous things have been happening in America and the societies of the G20 Countries mostly, since 2020. Other countries too have become infiltrated by Globalist interests, but this is mainly a push within the G20 – to start.
  • The Infrastructure for the roll out of the Agendas requires certain levels that disqualify the poorest and many of the lesser income countries. For once, they are lucky.
  • Young Americans can further investigate the underlying conditions, not only causing such upheaval in American lives, but also creating a very large, very powerful, extremely well planned and staffed World Government Wanna Be, with much of the money in the world- and the power to manipulate monetary systems.
  • The Globalists have the heft to alter political and economic systems and they are doing this now. With the exception of a very few, no one knows. No one says ‘No’.
  • Why haven’t you heard of all this perhaps? Because mainstream media is in the Globalists’ back pocket and because the current leadership of America is in step with, and supportive of the Globalist Movement. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has repeatedly recognized President Biden’s contribution to the Globalists Agendas and has noted Kamala Harris’ contributions also.
  • You also have not heard much about this PACT, if anything, because you were not involved. Nor do you likely know anyone who was involved. So the UN and partners are getting the world to go along with their truly dehumanizing agendas for the Globalists own interests, pretending in part, that it is for the Youth, and that they are doing this for the Future. Deliberately crushing society in 100 ways, the Globalists, behind the wheel of many of the G20 Countries, are not helping the youth. They are helping only themselves.
  • Do not let their pretend caring fool you.
  • (See https://noglobalism.com/article_stakeholder3/)

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Global Elites deciding Our Future … at Their Summit – The United Nations Summit of the Future, was held in New York City, 22/23 September, 2024. From this meeting was formed a PACT for the Future, which is an agreement about your future, which 193 country representatives signed off on at the meeting.

The UN’s partner, the World Economic Forum (WEF) was also having a meeting in New York from 23-27 September. Same town, same time, similar and same topics.

There will be further Newsletters about the corruption within and amongst these two leviathan organizations, which are now forever friends, visa vi a formal Partnership Framework Agreement (June 2019). These are the two pillars of the new global governance they speak of – Bonnie and Clyde, if you will.

But it is not Global Governance, as they claim, it is a Global Government. This new world order, which indeed it is, was never called for, or voted upon at all, by citizens or by majority votes. “National” representatives of the United Nations are always “appointed” or “elected” by internal means, within the system but regular citizens get no say.

I have investigated what is going on with this Summit for the Future. This story will get a dedicated article, as it is a microcosm example depicting how the entirety of the system operates and speaks volumes as to what is going on.

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In a nutshell, there are very long processes involved in the creation of these agendas. This PACT was drafted in 2023, had notably irregular processes to it, was coordinated by an internal committee, which had the same two Member States supervising it for the entire time. It went through five revisions with the first three noting all Members comments, the last few revisions went through more quickly the weeks prior to the Summit, with less documentation. This will all be evidenced in the article but the process was irregular.

The September Meetings of the UN and the WEF it appears were used to launch the PACT, as all documents were already drafted. The writing of the PACT followed a rather quiet and out of the way process. The body created to house the documents was bespoke and tiny.

Only three of the 66 pages of the PACT devoted to the Youth, even though this is a PACT for the Future. Perhaps this reflects the amount of interest they have on Youth. The text is vague, and contains nothing truly innovative. It is something that could have been written up by a couple of mid-level UN professionals during lunch. Perhaps it was.

Comparatively, the development of the Sustainable Development Goal’s was a massive years-long, UN system-wide campaign with a huge infrastructure and internal media. This PACT, which is supposed to be THE plan all 193 countries will follow, for our collective future, was given a rather sheltered and very quiet beginning. Although the SDG’s are the organizing principles of the PACT, and although the SDG’s were a different type of initiative – and their development far more complex, even so, the PACT for the Future of the World, agreed on by all stakeholders and almost all nations, was indeed brought forth in a rather simple, and elusive manner.

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The PACT is the offspring of another plan you will never have heard of titled, Our Common Agenda, which is the grandchild of the 1987 Our Common Future, which was the pivotal agenda for Sustainable Development. That was the Kick off of what became Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, which are the front for their devious between the lines true goals.

Ask yourself. Did I, or did any other young person I know, or have even heard of, have anything to do with the actual creation of the PACT for the Future? You may know someone who went to a meeting perhaps, and if you search you will see this or that Youth NGO was a part of this (show room) meeting or that (photo op) panel discussion.

At the end of the day, this global covenant, is just another elaborated, modified, chunk of the original 1992 created, Agenda 21 and all its protégés, appendages and tentacles thereafter.

The UN – Pre 1990 era – How the UN is Supposed to Work – Although there is much discussion about the origins of the United Nations, the behavior of the organization was markedly different previously to about 1990, and the vast majority of people think this is still how the UN is. But that is not the case. As of June 2019, the UN ceased to be, in truth.

The citizens of the world have never had any say in what happens within the United Nations because it was never necessary, as the UN had no global governmental role per se at all. The UN was never mandated to govern, prescribe or be directive. The UN Security Council is excepted.

The UN’s role was always to coordinate, collaborate, and be the center for the global cooperation of Independent Member States. It would consider many viewpoints from many nations and at most “suggest”. It was never meant to be a political body either. It is an intergovernmental body. It was designed as a multilateral body. From government to government. Richer nations would contribute donations to a central pot, where it would be dividing up for the poorer nations.

All nations would collaborate on various ideas, to improve things in whatever area of discussion. The Private Sector had almost no role at all in the UN, with the exception of providing very minimal in-kind (no- monetary) donations such as venues and tee shirt for event etc. Private Sector monies were never allowed for obvious Fascist-causing reasons.

Now the Private Sector and various uber rich, via the WEF, – foot the bill for everything. This is why previous to 2019, very little was heard about the UN on a day to day basis, except for the Security Council. The Sustainable Development Goal signs were almost never seen, and no one thought about the United Nations very much. Without the WEF’s wallet, the UN did not reach true celebrity status. Now it has the bucks to match its “old money” attitude. With this JLo level of exposure, perhaps a ‘UN Core’ will now be added to the popular lists of trending aesthetics.

Previous to 1987, there was a very effective UN system – a Tripartite system which always involved the same bodies – the recipient government, the United Nations administrators (UN Development Programme) and the thematic specialized agency of the UN, such as UNICEF if it was a children’s project in question.

The Recipient Governments, which were elected by their own people, would lead always, in terms of how to generally spend the monies. The UN would follow, ensure all was by the rules, only saying no to the Government if rules were broken. All parties knew the rules and they didn’t change.

The Security Council of the United Nations and other agencies had other roles but this was mainly how the bulk of the development work went down for decades. It was always meant to be governments cooperating and collaborating with the UN as the centerwheel for this. This is what intergovernmental means.

The UN was also meant to collect the best people and their knowledge from all countries – esteemed and recognized citizens, true experts in their field, and from this collective, distill the best of the best information and practices and then recommend/suggest that as the optimal. The UN was never to “tell anyone” what to do. The Security Council was excepted.

Money and Power – A Marriage Made in Heaven for the Globalists – In June 2019, when the UN joined the World Economic Forum, it actually gave up its mandate, although no one got the memo. From that time, the UN, as it was known to be, actually was no more.

It is now the bridled Trojan Horse of the world’s most powerful. It is under their reins, and galloping wildly, trampling, under its own hooves, the very same human rights it spent over half a century striving for. The same Human Rights which are now themselves at great risk, with the Globalists claiming their need for altercation.

It really is the tail wagging the dog, when the world’s elite have the power to reword the UN Declaration of Human Rights to match their own Transhumanist and Post-humanist Agendas. The removal of Parental Rights is a devastating case in point.

Globalists – caring for youth by creating endless wars, economic strife, depressed everything, lock downs, making the ownership of a car, a home and continuing school impossibilities and more!

The billions of dollars gone and going off to more proxy wars, where young people – the ages of many reading this – are simply fodder. If injured or lost, their families and friends are injured too, often with unhealing wounds. Their legacies only formally recognized in a column of “collateral damage”, on an excel file, rarely seen – a tiny footprint in the sand, in what was an ocean of a human life. What would that young person have done in their life, is a question forever unanswered. How much pain and suffering has this machine of greed caused, is an answer unwanted.

Angel of Grief - Wikipedia

Replacing Youth on the Workforce – the Biden/Harris Administration are Champions of the WEF and its 4th Industrial Revolution which heavily promotes automation. Economic strife and lack of independence, through job loss and then Universal Income, will be another walloping driver of vast human suffering if the Globalists Agendas continue to advance. Automation, along with Stakeholder Capitalism, will cause a big part of this.

As these words are being written, there is a huge push, mainly by the World Economic Forum Wing of the UN/WEF Industrial Complex, towards AI and Robotic automation in all major industries, with a future estimated 50% loss of employment globally. This will affect you and everything around you.

Dependent upon minimal Universal Income, you will be at the Global Government’s mercy – and they sadly don’t seem to have much of that. The World Economic Forum’s Founder’s muse, Yuval Noah Harare, has noted that the new world of automation will create a new class – a “Useless Class”. He also refers to this demographic as “useless eaters”. He states that for now, “Drugs and Video games” are addressing this issue.

Universal Income as the Demise of Independence, Freedom and therefore Happiness – With Universal Income, you will do as the global government says. AI, in a multitude of forms, will monitor you – inside and out. You will have a social credit score with a digital ID, which you will need to use the web. You will buy and sell with global government controlled, time-bound (has a shelf life so no saving), monitored, programmable Digital Currency. Living in government housing in a geo-fenced SMART City, you will live the life of a cross between a robot and a pet.

Without sense of belonging or accomplishment, you will wither away – just a shadowed impression of your ancestors. You will forget wonder, awe, mystery, Grace and connection. Without aspiration, you will lead a Black Mirrored life in a dreamless future.

Please see the list below of the C40 (Globalists led Group of Its Captured Cities) for how they will direct you to live your lives, if things continue under Globalist occupation. For comparative analysis, please see the G7 Menu. In the future, it will be your lifestyle to change, not theirs. All this for “People and Planet” will be inclusive for all of the Commoners – the whole diverse lot of us. We will enjoy equality within our high tech indentured servitude.

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NEXTA On X: #G7 Countries Pointed To The Need To Increase, 52% OFF


The Menu below was served at the 2021 G7 in the UK.




(WEF Partner ARUP)


Progressive target:

1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 2 years per person

53% sustainable aviation fuel adopted (or other equivalent low-carbon technology or fuel).

Ambitious target:

1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every three years.

100% sustainable aviation fuel adopted (or other equivalent low-carbon fuel).

Dietary change

Progressive target:

16 kg of meat per person per year.

90 kg dairy consumption per person per year.

Ambitious target:

0 kg of meat consumption per year.

0 kg dairy consumption per year.

Clothing consumption

Progressive target:

8 new clothing items per person per year.

Ambitious target:

3 new clothing items per person per year.

Vehicle ownership

Progressive target:

190 vehicles per 1,000 people.

20-year lifetime for body of vehicle (shell & interior).

Ambitious target:

0 private vehicles.

50-year lifetime for body of vehicle (shell & interior).


Progressive target:

7-year optimum lifetime of laptops and similar electronic devices.

Ambitious target:

7-year optimum lifetime of laptops and similar electronic devices.


The Biden/Harris-supported World Economic Forum suggests that Kenyans love to eat insects, while the G7 Members prefer not. See the menu below. This was for the 2021 G7 meeting in the U.K.

Wrong Speak and Wrong Think

Apart from being hypocritical Heathens, the Globalists are muzzling us again. No “Wrong Think” for us. It is hard to believe they are saying censorship is FOR democracy.

Those who can prove their arguments and who have a working ethical compass, will always welcome inquiry, will never need censorship, will allow freedom of information and freedom of expression for all. Those who do good and have nothing to hide, hide not behind the Emerald Curtains of Oz. They need no armaments of lexicons, or highbrow-sounding terms. And word salads are never served to hide their true intentions.

Martin Luther King: vida, obra, creencias y características

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

-Martin Luther King Jr.

Freedom of speech is the soul of democracy. When a power holding entity of governance is a third party, who acts as an interlocutor within private civil dialogue, and who employs censoring, investigating, coercing, enticing and otherwise directing and controlling the flow of information, and who also has been bestowed with providence of judge and jury, one has no choice but to note that this is not the stuff of which liberty is made. This is not the stuff of which democracy is made either. This however, is the stuff of an Authoritarian Technocracy.

Freedom of Speech is also the elemental foundation of science. Those who say they follow “the science” mean to say that they believe conclusions drawn from due process of the scientific method. Yet, as seen today, the prevalence of ad hoc and laissez faire adherence to scientific process, sloppy hypothesis testing, no following observational truths, no questioning, no second opinions, no debating, no double blind evidenced-based conclusions, no neutrality, no neutral oversight, clearly results in, no science. As for the numbers and statistic one sees reported, anyone who has had some experience in working in these areas, knows that all numerical evidence can be tweaked, tailored and toyed with, to prove whatever predetermined goal one desires. Thus, no freedom of expression, no questions, no science and no democracy. It’s that simple.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. It sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected and it has been translated into over 500 languages. The UDHR is widely recognized as having inspired, and paved the way for, the adoption of more than seventy human rights treaties, applied today on a permanent basis at global and regional levels. Of note is Article 19.

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

Talk is cheap. We all know this. Partial truths are lies. Exaggerations of truth are lies. Skewing numbers to get favored statistics is lying. Cherry picking facts present partial truths, which again are lies. Even silence or avoidance, can be a lie. Promises can be future lies, if they are broken. Double meaning words, can be lies too. The World Economic Forum and company, specialize in all of the above, as do their chorus line of partners.

Kamala Harris speaks forth many promises, many grand accolades, many visions for America. Between her personal asides, and growing up stories, her anecdotes and smiles, there lies not a whole lot of substantive anything. But in the nothingness of so many vague statements, the truth is also unclear.

V.P. Harris appears to portray that the Globalists plans will help Americans, perhaps because she may think that it is her destiny to save the world from the (grossly exaggerated) perils of Climate Change. But her methods of addressing the ills of society are, to say the least odd. None of the world’s or America’s most pressing problems of now, are targeted on. Lofty ‘vibes’ and cozy interviews do nothing for such things as the escalation of nuclear war, spiraling costs, out of reach home ownership, crime, rampant drug use, and even food insecurity. Logic does not dictate why today’s crises have been addressed by the Biden Administration by employing such focus, and so many resources, on things like, critical race theory, open borders, hard core gender ideology for young children in their school time and ensuring transitioning prisoners’ rights to tax-payer funded top and bottom surgeries. As opposed to MAGA, the V.P. can use FWRB on her blue promo ‘merch’. FWRB = Fiddle While Rome Burns.

With her levels of education and career experience, and well as exposure and political savvy, it is not likely that she is completely nascent as to the devastation of the Globalist Agendas to the Commoners. Recall this when you vote.

Let Them Eat Cake

The elite practice nothing of the sort of Green living. The one token thing they may do such as planting a few trees for a photo op, does not come within reach of the immense carbon guzzling, horrifically wasteful, lifestyles they enjoy.

You may verify with the owners of the Davos steak houses, that their facilities are overflowing the weeks of the WEF Meetings. For the WEF Davos 2024 get together, the WEF rented out all accommodations in the entire town, so that pesky reporters and regular folk could not even be near them. And yet these Agendas they have planned and are forcing upon us, are all for, the people and the planet.

Mashing Up Our Lives

The Globalists have orchestrated and funded the main Global waves of racism and gender issues precisely so that people – especially young people – will believe that the conventional things which America is founded on, such as Judeo-Christianity, Capitalism, Individual Freedom, America’s history, American heritage, and American values are why the world is so bad. Thus we see the permitted vandalism of Western historical statues and the deliberate burning of the churches, among many other things.

Obviously unburdened by her own alleged slave-owning family heritage, V.P. Harris presents one trending Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) phrase, after another, knowing her ensalata del dia, will ensure that people believe they will be recognized, valued and included. But no, read the Globalists Plans – of which there are many – and understand that DEI is part of their “metrics systems” as is ESG – Environmental, Social Governance.

‘To have the ability and faith to have a vision of what can be, unburdened from what has been.’ Kamala Harris

These “People and Planet” values have been given measures – metrics – to fit into the regular financial and economic systems, until those too are changed. The Global Government will demand that the world change from Capitalism to Stakeholder Capitalism. Small, medium size and non-governmentally compliant companies will not be able to operate under this system as they will not wish or be able to afford to adhere to all the numerous and complex ESG/DEI regulations.

Well running, prosperous, happy, health societies are not the ones which can be “reset”. The Capitalist destroying, private property ridding, small business crushing vision Kamala Harris speaks of in her now 15-minute-famous quote above, can be reviewed in the Stopping Stakeholder Capitalism Info Guide. V.P. Harris is all in.

Guide – https://noglobalism.com/article_stakeholder3/

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Statements of the Republican Party 2024

1. Great Principals and Great Teachers Support schools that focus on Excellence and Parental Rights. We will support ending Teacher Tenure, adopting Merit pay, and allowing various publicly supported Educational models.

2. Universal School Choice Believe families should be empowered to choose the best Education for their children. We support Universal School Choice in every State in America. We will expand 529 Education Savings Accounts and support Homeschooling Families equally.

3. Prepare Students for Jobs and Careers Emphasize Education to prepare students for great jobs and careers, supporting project-based learning and schools that offer meaningful work experience. We will expose politicized education models and fund proven career training programs.

4. Safe, Secure, and Drug-Free Schools Support overhauling standards on school discipline, advocate for immediate suspension of violent students, and support hardening schools to help keep violence away from our places of learning.

5. Restore Parental Rights Restore Parental Rights in Education, and enforce our Civil Rights Laws to stop schools from discriminating on the basis of Race. We trust Parents!

6. Knowledge and Skills, Not CRT and Gender Indoctrination Ensure children are taught fundamentals like Reading, History, Science, and Math, not Leftwing propaganda. We will defund schools that engage in inappropriate political indoctrination of our children using Federal Taxpayer Dollars.

7. Promote Love of Country with Authentic Civics Education Reinstate the 1776 Commission, promote Fair and Patriotic Civics Education, and veto efforts to nationalize Civics Education. We will support schools that teach America’s Founding Principles and Western Civilization.

8. Freedom to Pray Champion the First Amendment Right to Pray and Read the Bible in school, and stand up to those who violate the Religious Freedoms of American students.

9. Return Education to the States The United States spends more money per pupil on Education than any other Country in the World, and yet we are at the bottom of every educational list in terms of results. We are going to close the Department of Education in Washington, D.C. and send it back to the States, where it belongs, and let the States run our educational system as it should be run. Our Great Teachers, who are so important to the future wellbeing of our Country, will be cherished and protected by the Republican Party so that they can do the job of educating our students that they so dearly want to do. It is our goal to bring Education in the United States to the highest level, one that it has never attained before.


Who is Representing You? Anyone who is in a position of political authority in any form, or who is a candidate running for office, and who has still fallen for the whole Great Reset / Global Goals / SDG’s / PACT of the Future is automatically disqualified, as not having the character to represent you. WHY?

Well, if they are still going along with these dehumanizing, destructive, demoralizing campaigns it is because:

  1. they have limited cognitive and analytical ability not to have figured it out by now;
  2. they know what is really going on and believe it is good;
  3. they believe they are insulated from whatever happens by wealth and status;
  4. they suspect things are off, but are too lazy and shallow to investigate;
  5. they don’t want to know because then they will have to feel anxious knowing what they are doing so they hide – ostriches in their own workplace;
  6. they know, and they don’t agree at all, but they continue unquestioning for the pay, cushy job, perks and benefits- which may indeed be grand; or
  7. any combination of the above.

Know that you want only the best person for the job representing you and America and all Americans. Remember this. Whether that person be this or that gender, be older or younger, of what creed and color, be snappy or chirpy, that matters not at all. And don’t be a one track mind voter, where votes are gained based only upon one issue.

And finally do not make a permanent decision based on a temporary problem. So if you vote Democrat, the Globalists will highly likely, take control of America within the next four years. Once the Globalists take ahold, there is no turning back. There will be no more America, nor Democracy, nor elections, nor freedoms. No America, means no Americans.

Perhaps national flags will still be around for ‘football’ (soccer), the Olympics and Miss Universe, but nothing truly sovereign will remain. Voting Republican gives you four more years to figure it all out. You will have the chance to vote again. You will retain the chance of saying “No”. For further details, please see noglobalism.com.

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To address the popular question of “Don’t you believe in climate change?” The answer – is yes and no.

Yes, it is happening. No, not all of what the public is told about climate change is true. It is a real issue, needing attention, with safe, cheap, employment-generating ways to correct it, which are ignored by the Globalists.

1) The climate is varying due to CO2 levels, this is true.

2) Entire Eco zones can indeed be affected in some manner if the climate changes.

3) One billion tropical fruit trees at 1/2 $ a seedling, planted each year, will rectify much of the issue.

4) The Globalists are using various means to synthesize weather related events, from wild land fires to geo-engineered skies. Some of climate catastrophe is synthetic.

5) With warmer temperatures, come more frequent and intense windstorms.

6) Changes in climate can also cause species to change over time.

7) All the elite globalists have young family members or relatives. None of the globalist elites practice any green lifestyles at all. They are almost all atmospherically gross consumers. If climate change was really a planetary life or death situation, they would act differently.

8) Nothing is said or done almost, about carbon capture and storage, and about sequestration generally. Money can be made from these industries.

9) Free and many new forms of alternative energy are given almost no funding or attention.

10) Carbon is being/will be used as the measure to control humanity according to what the Globalists plan for us.

11) There are great ecological challenges facing Humanity this is true but also it is true that Climate Change is being used as a tool of manipulation of the Globalists.

12) All predictions of vast extinctions to date have been incorrect.

13) The Globalists have the power to create narratives.

14) Waste in not addressed much at all. Programs to reduce waste are few and far between and not well funded. From houses without adequate insulation, to the approximated 40% loss of food from farm to table in America, waste in America is astronomical. This is the first rule of conservation. Waste less.

15) A natural world without Humanity, would indeed adjust to climatic differences as has always been the case. So the “planet” and biosphere will not be wiped out. There would be loss and changes but not extinction overall.

16) The Globalists are geoengineering our skies and have been for decades. This continues. This semi-secret mission is claimed to be about assisting the world with climate change. This is so not the case. Chemtrails are causing toxic eco-systemic ecocide, something climate change would not do ever. Please refer to- www.geoengineeringwatch.org.

17) Many alternative energy technologies and Green building technologies for example are almost completely ignored by government and Globalist agencies. Tidal/wave energy/passive solar/methane digesters, the list goes on.

18) “Just Stop Oil” can become an option in the future, if and when equally functional alternative forms of energy have been developed and made affordable and available. Carbon capture and sequestration as industries until clean energy is here is the way to go so that people are not impoverished on the way for decades.

19) The role that Carbon is playing within the Globalist’s Agendas must be carefully considered.

Know That the Biden/Harris Administration Are Globalist Supporters For details-https://noglobalism.com/article_stakeholder3/

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The Biden/Schwab bromance has been blossoming for decades. Joe Biden has been to the WEF’s Annual Meetings and workshops as a regular. As Senator and then as Vice President, Joe Biden was recognized by Klaus Schwab on more than one occasion as working very hard for the goals of the WEF. In the photo (left), Klaus congratulates Vice President Biden, in 2016, for being very committed to the goals of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and being one of the Forum’s hardest workers. Vice President Biden then gave an Address at the WEF Meeting in Davos praising Stakeholder Capitalism for being the way to go.

To assist your decision making, please see below the table which summarizes all the key risks of maintaining the Biden/Harris Globalist supporting Administration. People must understand that there are no Democratic Policies at all anymore because they have been captured by the Globalists so all Globalists policies supersede everything for the Democrats. Like hungry iguanas running to lettuce, the Globalists get what they want.

The Democratic Party of yesteryear is gone. Like the UN, it has been captured. So when you hear Kamala Harris say this or that about the Democrats, take it with a massive grain of salt, as the Democrats are not the ones running the show in America, which means the Democrats actually cannot promise you anything.

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Based Upon a Comparative Analysis of the Globalists Agendas*-

(which is what the Biden/Harris Administration is Openly Supporting)-

and the track record of the USA under Former President Trump’s Administration, along with current Republican Policy and Planning.

*Globalist Agendas include – Agenda 21, Agenda 2030- SDG’s, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Our Common Agenda, The PACT for the Future, AI World Society, amongst others.

By: Mary Otto-Chang – (Based on 20 plus years in the UN and 10,000 plus hours plus of research.)

What is the Likelihood of the following happening in America?

Under Democrats as long as they align with Globalists

Under Republicans with no alignment with Globalists

You being able to vote for a President ?


Extremely High

The extinction of cash

High To Very High

Very Low

American jobs lost

Extremely High

Low To Medium

Compulsory Digital ID for all to access WWW

Extremely High


Roll out of Central Bank Digital Currency

Extremely High

Low To Medium

Freedom of Speech/First Amendment Lost

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Article 19 Human Rights –

Freedom of Expression Lost

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Military Draft to War

Medium To High


Development of a Global Military

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Farmers continuing to be hampered

Extremely High

Farmers Will Be Helped

Sharp decrease in private livestock farms

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Animal Products Made Difficult to Access

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Food Prices continue to rise sharply

Extremely High

Low To Medium

Second Amendment-Right to Bear Arms Lost

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Energy and Fuel Prices Rise Significantly

Extremely High

Low To Medium

Loss of National Sovereignty

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Loss of Personal Sovereignty

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Global Government

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Population Displacement

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Control over Population

Medium To High

Extremely Low

Sharp Increase in Public Surveillance

Extremely High


Medical and Health Tyranny

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Continued Ecocide caused by False Climate Change Flags – such as wild land fires

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Ban on Natural Holistic Medicines


Extremely Low

Continued Geoengineering

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Multiple mandatory vaccinations

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Run Away Economy- out of control

Extremely High


Sharp decrease of private transportation (cars)

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Air Travel Less Accessible

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Sharp Decline of Small and Medium Businesses

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Government Overreach in Business

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Destruction of Capitalism

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Private Property – homes – much less accessible

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Chances of Your Government Forcing you to comply against your will and cause you harm

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Decline in access to Wild lands and Rural Lands

Extremely High

Extremely Low

SMART Cities increasing

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Loss of Parental Rights

Medium to High

Extremely Low

Harm and degeneration of the Family Unit

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Sexualization of Children in Public Schools

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Government Overreach in Your Privacy

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Roll out of Social Credit Scores

Extremely High

Extremely Low

Universal basic income (rationing policy)

Extremely High

Only in dire situation.

WEF/UN Agenda Roll Outs continue


Guaranteed NOT TO ALLOW

Ms. Whitney Webb, American Author, brave Patriot and fine role model:

“No one is going to save us – we have to save ourselves. We have to build up locally to be as sovereign as we can. … Some people hear this stuff and get black-pilled and worried, but instead get excited, and let’s go out and build some stuff. And we don’t have to use these crazy peoples’ tools, we can use our own tools. And they can be much better tools, that actually work for the people and are made by the people, and not made by oligarchs to force people to serve the oligarchs. Let’s not do that, let’s get excited and do something better. We just have to get out of our armchairs and just start building. And that’s what humans are meant to do.”

Protect Our Children by Protecting America – There is no such thing as Democratic children or Republican children. There are American children. For the twenty thousand generations of human beings who have been before us, from all origins of the planet, the main human drive has been to protect our children. (RJK Jr. 2024)

This is a crucial juncture in Human history. To grow up as American children, there must be an “America”. As unbelievable as this sound, America itself is at risk. Great risk. Four more years of the Globalist-supporting Biden/Harris Administration will give the Globalists enough time to gain foothold in America. And America will be the first domino of the free world to fall.

The Globalists are counting on the Young Citizens to not take a skeptical eye to what is going on. They think you will be too distracted by your devices, too enamored with their pretend People and Planet ideologies, not discerning enough to see real from false, and otherwise not up to scratch enough to figure it out.

Prove. Them. Wrong.

For News, Events, Contacts and Taking Local Action

in your Community

To Take Action to Save America’s Sovereignty and Your Freedoms

JOIN REPUBLIC- Promotion Code – 10$/mnth


For more information on Protecting Our Children and on Stopping Globalism

ourcountryourchildren.com / noglobalism.com