Part One - Follow The Money

Who Are The Globalists?

By Greg Taylor with Mary Otto-Chang HBA, MES, PhD

Uprooting the Gnarlies – Digging the Globalists Out of American Soil

The journey of understanding who the Globalists are, is a long and winding road. The flowchart to the left is one of the many attempts at mapping the Globalists and their major programs and projects throughout time. Understandably, the average person will have neither time, nor energy to investigate, even if they should be curious and questioning. Doubled-volume books and multi-series films have been made addressing this same issue. Who are the Globalists?

The team at presents this multi-part series as a distillation of information. It is not a short tale, nor can in successfully be condensed into sound-bytes, which may be why so many people still do not have a firm handle on who the Globalists are. New facets and angles of Globalism pop up each day as new information is revealed and shared. As such, we present this series as stepping stones to our collective understanding. We intend it to be a spring board for further investigation.

To appreciate who the Globalists are, one need understand what they were, and to do this, one has no choice but to look at things from an historical perspective. The history of the Globalists goes back to ancient times, whenever larger and larger empirical territories were strived for, by whichever power of the time. But it is today’s – and tomorrow’s – technologies which have finally allowed for real global control.

The Rule of the World has not happened overnight, nor is it the providence of any one individual, one agency, one group, or even one era of history. Even the very idea of a New World Order has changed throughout time – and not for the better.

The advances in technology have enabled what is now a very perverse and darkened version of the original concepts of a Global Government or Global Control Center for the World. The early ideas, of a New World Order were to abolish nations to avoid wars mainly.

Not to say that power, control and money were not always key players in the mix, but these ideas changed over time and have become increasingly far out. Now, they are occult-like, truly horrific, and dystopian. The globalists’ stance today is Post-Humanist.

This multi-part series attempts to solve the puzzle of Who are the Globalists? To answer perhaps the world’s most complicated question completely, is a task impossible, as more and more pieces to this vast puzzle come to light each day.

In the sunset time of the Globalists’ power over this world, new facts, new pieces of evidence spark to light by the hands of the legions of keyboard warriors, each moment. Fireflies bringing light to darkness, they are. And they are the most critical change agent in the world right now. Mocked, unappreciated and even arrested, the fireflies continue, gently, calmly, yet in continued determination, they fly, bravely, peacefully, into one darkened corner after another.

Mystical Forest Firefly Illumination - Ethereal Nature Scene

The eyes and ears – and critical minds – of the People, along with the advent of the “SEND” button, are the artillery of the masses. The Globalists are brazen now, bloated with pride, and blinded by self-aggrandizement. They are slipping and sloppily, they have left many tracks, as they stumble about intoxicated by their meandering in all the seven deadly sins while breaking every one of the ten commandments.

As Humanity cries out into the night for themselves and for one another, through hardship after torturous hardship, the Globalists and their fleets of couture-clothed puppets, continue to turn blind eyes and deaf ears. Sadly, this has become the norm and even the expected, from these soulless, luxury-laden, meat-suits of pretend authority.

Who rules the world?

Is it the Military Industrial Complex or the Freemasons or perhaps even the Deep State? Is it a secret cabal of demonic global elites making decisions that guide mankind to a future that they have decided upon? Or is there a collective, organic route to our future?

Many conspiracies abound and the complexity of worldwide geopolitical and social issues make a precise determination very difficult. We know the names of Gates, Soros, Rockefeller, and Rothschild but do their foundations and other entities provide humanitarian aid to the people of the world or are they behind a sinister agenda?

With an analysis of global trends and history one may reasonably believe that a group of controlling occultist elites are pushing man to a dystopian future. In some ways, they are quite open; 2030 is the year they want to finalize their takeover of the world with the help of their surrogates in world governments, the UN, WEF, NATO and other agencies. You have been warned.


In his controversial book, Conspirators Hierarchy – The Story of the Committee of 300, Dr. John Coleman set out a seemingly outrageous belief that a group of 300 elites rule the world. If what he says is true monarchs and aristocracy through western Europe were in control of world events from the 1700’s until the death of Queen Victoria of England, when they begrudgingly allowed emerging powerful “commoners”, the oligarchs of the day, to join their group.

This group of blue bloods, together with the new money commoners, Coleman says, was the Committee of 300 and through their heirs and proxies they have been ruling the world ever since. What we see as unrelated events from immigration to transgenderism to non-stop wars and climate change are part of the plan that the Committee of 300 has for us: a one world technocratic government, controlled by them, a conservation of the earth’s resources by a mass program of depopulation and a feudal existence for those that survive.

While some may be rightly skeptical as to Dr. Coleman’s views, there are predictions from his 1992 book that seem eerily accurate today. Confirmation bias may be in play for some of the vaguer comments, however, there are others that are clearly happening now:

Dr. Coleman wrote those words over 30 years ago, yet they still resonate strongly. Are his predictions just guesswork or did he have an understanding only he, outside of the Committee of 300 and its acolytes, possessed?

It is best not to dwell too much on what is difficult to establish with an ultra-secretive group and their establishment protections. The Committee, if it exists, will be hard to prove.

However, when it comes to what is known, particularly with a US focus, a clearer picture does appear as to who rules the world, even if we cannot look past that final curtain to see the ultimate puppet masters. We must also consider the globalists in the context of what it means for us today and coming years.

The Bankers


Modern banking has its roots in fractional reserve, a practice whereby bankers worked out that they could provide bank notes whose value was not represented one for one with reserves held. For example, if a bank decided that it only needed 10% of its reserves to meet any demand on it from its trading activities then the bank could lend ten times the amount it held in reserves. This created an explosion of credit in the economies of Europe and a fortune to be earned by the bankers.

In France, the Rothschilds achieved controlling interests in all banks that were part of the central bank giving them a stranglehold on the central bank and with it the economy of France. They knew where to invest because they knew government policy before even the government did.

In London it was a similar picture. In 1825, the Bank of England needed a huge loan from N. M. Rothchild & Sons to avert a banking crisis that threatened to implode the economy. This gave the Rothschilds huge influence over the Bank of England and the UK economy and that relationship exists to this day.

In Spain in 1830, unable to repay a loan, the Spanish King gave the Rothschilds rights to mercury mines. Mercury was an essential part of gold refining at the time. This gave the Rothschilds an almost monopolistic control over gold production in Europe.

While banking was not purely the purview of the Rothschilds, they were, and continue to be, a dominant faction with significant influence over almost all economies of Europe. Their name will appear many times as the globalist plot is uncovered.

The Round Table

In the late 1800’s Cecil Rhodes, who made his money from gold and diamond mining with the backing of the Rothschilds, established a group of intellectuals of the day. In what would go on to be called the Round Table or the Milner Group. What he established was a think tank that would influence world events. The philosophy was the benefit of the British imperialism coupled with the progressive socialism in the manner of the Fabian Society.

According to Rhodes’ Wikipedia page, “It is said that he wanted to develop an American elite of philosopher-kings who would have the United States rejoin the British Empire…He believed that eventually the United Kingdom (including Ireland), the US, and Germany together would dominate the world and ensure perpetual peace.”

Rhodes had been backed even as a young man by the Rothschilds to establish a mining empire in the Cape Colony, now South Africa and Zimbabwe (previously Rhodesia named after Rhodes). He is perhaps best known for being the owner of De Beers. With the making of a considerable fortune, that secret society he had dreamed of, would come to fruition.

In 1884. the Fabian Society was set up as a way to advance the principles of socialism through gradualist and reformist methods. Both Rhodes and Fabians operated in similar social circles, and they shared a focus on international cooperation and governance. In the guise of the Round Table several Fabians would be members of Rhode’s power elite.

In 1891, Rhodes formally established the group that would go on to become the Round Table. Initially the group consisted of an inner circle of Rhodes as leader; William Stead, Brett (Lord Esher), and Alfred Milner were to form an executive committee. These people had a fervor for social reform and aligned to the Fabian Society. A further “circle of initiates” consisted of Arthur (Lord) Balfour, (Sir) Harry Johnston, Lord Rothschild, Albert (Lord) Grey, and others. This was to be the germ from which our current struggle against the New World Order would emerge.

The following year, 1892, Baron Alphonse de Rothschild left the UK to visit The Standard Oil Company and J D Rockefeller in New York, to discuss opportunities for alignment to Rhode’s Group. The plan was afoot to join the US East Coast Establishment figures with the UK royalty and British establishment typified by Rhodes’s group and the London banking cartel. Upon his death in 1902, his estate was managed by the Rothschilds as trustee and would fund both the Round Table and the international Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford that has, over the years, benefited future heads of government including Bill Clinton in 1968.


The Rothschilds had learned years before, that an intelligence agency was needed to enhance their wealth and standing. Following the defeat of Wellington at Waterloo the secret intelligence service employed by the Rothschilds, meant that the news of victory was in their hands, a good day before it was common knowledge. With this advanced notice the Rothschilds would take advantage of the stock exchange and make a killing. The Rhodes group would also need to be aligned to a secret service in the furtherment of their aims.

In due course, the US power elites would realize it too needed a secret intelligence service to further its needs.

The East Coast Elite Influence Gathers Pace


In line with the social reform beliefs of the Rhodes Group, in 1902 JD Rockefeller established the General Education Board. The stated objective was to support higher education and medical schools in the US, the promotion of farming in the southern states and schools for African Americans. By 1903, the US House of Representatives officially recognized the General Education Board with the objective of promotion of education within the United States of America, without distinction of race, sex, or creed. The bill incorporating the general Education Board was proposed by Nelson Aldrich. Aldrich’s daughter was married to Rockefeller’s son, JD Rockefeller Jr. In the ensuing years, the Rockefellers would put $180 million into the board.

As part of his work with the General Education Board, JD Rockefeller Jr. would come into contact with various leading figures of the day including Daniel Gilman, member of the General Education Board and cofounder of the Russell Trust Association a business front for the Skull & Bones secret society based out of Yale University.

The link from Rockefeller to the influential member of Skull and Bones will become more obvious in the 80’s with President Bush Snr. and then President Bush Jr. and John Kerry, all of whom were members.

Andrew Carnegie, became a big player at the turn of the century. His name continues on in prominence in education and culture today.

The Rockefellers and Carnegie had a grip on the education of the US and would be able to mold citizens to their will through that medium. They had extended their influence to the citizens of tomorrow and the new world order could be achieved. We are seeing the fruit of their ambitions today, with an education establishment riddled with far-left influences and children and young adults indoctrinated to further globalists desires.


The Rockefeller and Carnegie influence on education would also spread to medicine. Rockefeller established the International Education Board to invest their money into national and international universities and medical schools that focused on drug-based research.

The focus of medicine was to be on cures rather than prevention because it pays more. It is easier to control people who need drugs.

Through Rockefeller and Carnegie medicine was now to be guided to benefit the rich and powerful. As was obvious through COVID, that philosophy continues to this day and is typified by The Gates Foundation.

The Federal Reserve

A long hallway with columns and a floor covered in green and white tiles Metaphoric representation of the US Federal Reserve printing money AI Generated

In the US, the late 1800’s had been a tumultuous time for robber barons such as JD Rockefeller. The Sherman Antitrust Act had curtailed some monopolistic activities, but it took until 1911 for the Supreme Court to finally order the breakup of Standard Oil.

While this had a major impact on his business operations it would go on to make Rockefeller the richest man in the world as the component parts of Standard Oil would go on to become household names such as ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, and ConocoPhillips. Rockefeller needed something to do with his money.

The Federal Reserve Act established the Federal Reserve and The Revenue Act came into place that would allow for the establishment of charitable foundations that would be free of federal income tax.

The Federal Reserve Act and the Revenue Act were pieces of legislation that were pushed by former senator Nelson Aldrich who had worked on the National Monetary Commission. The system that Aldrich has pushed would significantly benefit the richest man in the world.

Other beneficiaries of the exemption for charitable vehicles would include Carnegie, Ford, Dow, Vanderbilt, J P Morgan, Warburg and all the principal industrialist and banking families in the east coast establishment. With their foundations and endowments that contained unrivaled wealth they could wield great influence over domestic and foreign policy, the plan since Baron Rothschild had visited in 1892.

The Federal Reserve was established in 1913, and whilst the institution is considered independent of both or the banks and government, there remains significant influence from east coast banking establishment who were also shareholders in the venture, although with no direct say on matters. Many will not realize that private banks such as J P Morgan, Warburg and Rockefeller’s Chase National Bank were amongst the owners of the Federal Reserve.

Before the first world war had even started Carnegie, Rockefeller and their east coast elites were already exerting influence on education. the medical professions, as well as banking, industry, and the general economy, acting almost as a shadow government.