Who Are The Globalists?

By Greg Taylor with Mary Otto-Chang HBA, MES, PhD (Candidate)

Uprooting the Gnarlies – Digging the Globalists Out of American Soil

In Parts One and Two of this series, looked into the historical evolution of Globalists in Western society, mainly in the USA. Part Three continued this forensic investigation, into the CIA through to the emergence of the Military Industrial Complex, while noting the significant “contributions” of top Globalist, Mr. Henry Kissinger en route. Part Four continued to trace the development of key Globalist-oriented establishments created in the 1960’s and 1970’s, all of which remain highly important today. Part Five illustrated the continued smoke and mirrors generated by the Globalist organizations in various forms, from wildly exaggerated risks of climate change to wars on (often American funded and induced) ‘terror’.

Part Six investigates the beginnings of the “technological age” of Globalism, without which Global Governance Agendas would not be implementable. Information- be it true or false – goes hand in glove with technology and these two forces have been the wheels of the chariot of propaganda, championing the Globalist Pagan and Transhumanist Agendas of Doom, for Humankind as we know it. The Ghosts of Christmas Past is a metaphor for the memories of the drivers and influences of the past, as it’s clanking chains of unsound ideologies, continue to shape our world today.

Obama and the Deep State

The Obama years have striking influences on what is happening in our world today. In many ways, President Obama was the architect, for the attempts to derail America as a Constitutional Republic.

As we look at today’s political environment and the polarization that is has caused, much has been caused by the Deep State. Obama is a modern age “Founding Father” of the deep state in America.

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In 1948, the CIA was established. It was set up to be the dirty tricks operation for the State Department, responsible for putting in puppet governments throughout the world that would support the US, its policies, and interests.

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Part of the CIA’s role was to use disinformation to undermine opposition. This was authorized through the Smith Mundt Act (1948). However, Section 501 of the act prohibited the use of propaganda materials meant for foreign audiences being distributed domestically in the US. The act meant that the CIA or State could not conduct a disinformation campaign on the people of the United States.

That changed in 2012 under the Obama Administration when an amendment to the original act was made that removed the restriction on using the propaganda on US citizens. The new act authorizes the Secretary of State “to make available in the United States motion pictures, films, video, audio, and other materials prepared for dissemination abroad or disseminated abroad.” The lies we use abroad are now allowed for domestic audiences. The Deep State was given a free hand to propagandize, and they have not taken their foot off the pedal since.

“American media outlets are supposed to be “free press”; the First Amendment makes this clear. And without the Smith-Mundt Act protecting it, the media can be taken over by political operatives and the government. That’s why we are being fed so many lies about “climate change,” COVID-19 and countless other topics that all conveniently support the preferred liberal government narrative. And lately, it has been going even further, with services like Newsguard receiving government funding to censor right-leaning news outlets.

It is now painfully obvious that Obama helped lay the groundwork for the state of the media today and all of the propaganda it is forcing on us.” (Natural News, 2024)

Jumping to 2021, for a moment to illustrate some of the outcomes of the propaganda schemes, we can see this in various ways. Firstly, this is the whole point of the movement to defund the police, so that more evenly controllable federal agencies, such as the DHS will take over the policing of American cities. (Hence, the Globalist Agendas – who infiltrate puppets at federal – and sometimes state level – and their antics can roll out unabated, with compromised agencies turning blind eyes and otherwise enabling them.)

We can expect inaction when groups such as ANTIFA or BLM burn buildings and private businesses. We can expect Stasi like policing when FBI infiltrated groups orchestrate violence such as the Jan 6th 2021, “riots”.


Free Street Art Graffiti photo and picture


January 6th, 2021.

The old and illegal COINTELPRO operations have been revamped and expanded. The FBI began COINTELPRO—short for Counterintelligence Program—in 1956 to disrupt the activities of the Communist Party of the United States. In the 1960’s, it was expanded to include a number of other domestic groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, the Socialist Workers Party, and the Black Panther Party. All COINTELPRO operations were ended in 1971. Although limited in scope (about two-tenths of one percent of the FBI’s workload over a 15-year period), COINTELPRO was later rightfully criticized by Congress and the American people for abridging first amendment rights amongst other reasons. Today, domestic surveillance has become pettier, and involves stalking, discrediting, and targeting of political opposition, whistle blowers in all forms, and independent journalists.

It is not surprising we find ourselves in our current situation, where the intelligence agencies which created what was and remains, nothing less than a criminal syndicate, were not, and are not being, brought to justice.

If criminal participants in such operations are not prosecuted to the full extent of the law, we can expect nothing more than the continuance of the domestic chaos which was the goal of the earlier exposed operations, and is the goal of the current COINTELPRO operations. (K. Lankford 2024)

Since 2012, the CIA, via the State Department, has been allowed to provide disinformation within the United States to influence public opinion and elections. The same disinformation dirty tricks that are used to elect a preferred politician abroad, or to ensure a particular policy is adopted, are now available for use in the US. That started with the “Globalist Duchess” Hilary Clinton, as Secretary of State in 2012 and then Skull and Bones global elitist John Kerry from 2013.

It is not just the globalist aligned CIA, which has tentacles into the media to propagandize for Democrats and globalists. Many of Obama’s staffers had backgrounds in journalism, public relations, and digital media, which helped shape his administration’s public image and messaging. For example, David Axelrod, one of Obama’s senior advisors, was a former journalist and political consultant. Additionally, Jay Carney, who served as Obama’s press secretary, was a former journalist for Time magazine. The Obama administration also leveraged social media and digital platforms extensively, with staffers like Rahaf Harfoush playing key roles in building his digital campaign.

Marxist Obama’s anti-constitution and anti-democracy legacy continues to flourish. He is a globalist elite. He has set in place mechanism that will indoctrinate the citizens of the United States and may lead to a one world government.

Big Tech

The story of the 21st century is arguably technology based. While the likes of Apple and Microsoft were household names before the turn of the century, the real explosion of technology came with the widespread availability of high-speed internet.

The internet is a creation of the then termed Advanced Research Projects Agency, a Department of Defense agency that seeks to maintain America’s technological edge over the world. While many people can claim that they helped develop the Internet into what it is today, the initial idea for the Internet started with the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) under the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) at the United States Department of Defense.

DARPA also gave the world GPS, so that people know where they are and moreover, the government know where people are.

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DARPA is, after all, a military research organization, and the precursor to the Global Positioning System (GPS) traces its origins to a military project. As technology website Alphr explains: “Following the launch of Sputnik in October 1957, as shown above, two U.S. physicists at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (APL) discovered that by using radio transmissions and the Doppler effect (the change in frequency of a wave for an observer moving relative to the source of the wave) they could pinpoint the precise location of the Sputnik satellite.”

The researchers then reversed the technology, and became able to determine someone’s location, given a satellite’s location. The U.S. Navy aimed to use this technology for its submarine-launched Polaris missile system, which required the Navy to know the submarine’s precise location.

Following launch of Sputnik, the APL and DARPA jointly developed the TRANSIT system, also known as NAVSAT, which used a constellation of five satellites to offer a navigational fix approximately once per hour. The first successful test of the system occurred in 1960 and the Navy started using it in 1964. This became the precursor to GPS, which is now widely used around the world by consumers and companies for navigation and location-based services. (FedTech Magazine)

The internet has given rise to the world we live in and the connections to military intelligence and especially the CIA are many with the companies that now dominate that space.

Google, for example has many links to the CIA from its founders work at Stanford University being funded by Massive Digital Data Systems and from the purchase of a company called Keyhole, that worked with satellite imagery technology and that was funded by the CIA’s venture capital arm In-Q-Tel. From the early days, Google was compromised by the global elites through the CIA.

Google is also known for its manipulation of search results to sway public opinion to globalist aligned Democrats. Obama was first to use technology offered by Google with Eric Schmidt, Google CEO, helping the compromised Obama to leverage technology as part of his 2008 and 2012 campaigns.

Meta also has substantial links to the CIA. DARPA had a desire to create a system that would track and have a digital record of people, their likes, friends, interactions, communications, and activities. Because of concerns over privacy the project was cancelled on 4 February, 2004, the same day that Facebook Launched. Meta has also benefited from investment from In-Q-Tel and has several former CIA employees.

Microsoft also has substantial links to the CIA including in the area of cloud computing where Microsoft has benefited from multi-billion-dollar contracts, and more recently a generative AI model specifically for US intelligence agencies.

Social media companies have been a major focus of attention from elite controlled agencies, and it is not just through grants or investments. The Twitter files as exposed by journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Schellenberger, seen in 2023 in the photo below, highlighted how the US government sought to control content and even ban account holders from publishing data it did not like.

More recently Mark Zuckerberg has confirmed that the Biden Administration sought to censor information relating to the Hunter Biden laptop.

However, it is with the investments made by In-Q-Tel that we see the way the CIA uses social media technology. Through Dataminir, they can detect emerging trends and critical information; with Geofeedla, it is allowed to search, monitor and analyze real time social media content based on geolocation; while PATHAR provides similar geolocation data linked to content; and with TransVoyant, they have predictive analytics based on social media data. Social media may be fun, but it is also used by the agencies of the global elite to monitor your every move.

With the advent of social media, so too have there been calls to moderate content. One of the more draconian pieces of legislation is from the EU’s Digital Services Act. While this is a European law, those tech companies wishing to operate there must comply. This has had many in US tech firms concerned as to their exposure and led many to seek protection from the CFR controlled State Department, which in turn then has had leverage over tech companies to do their bidding.

The internet revolution of the past 20 years or so had provided the global elite with an unprecedented control over the common man that allows for manipulation and indoctrination that can usher in a one world government. Big Tech also sees the unification of Big Banking to be the tip of the spear for our technocratic gulag to come.

Populist Revolt and the Rise of Institutional Democracy

The move in 2012, by Obama as President, and Clinton as Secretary of State, to use the CIA’s dirty tricks, was arguably to control the rise of populism. That populism hit new heights in 2015, when Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president. What followed was a dirty tricks campaign never previously seen in the United States. With the help of past and present intelligence operatives in the CIA and MI6, besides others, an intricate plot involving lies, misinformation and disinformation unfolded, all headed by Clinton.

For four years, all the globalist-controlled intelligence agencies and US government departments were hell bent on stopping a President, who was not part of their cabal, who threatened their power structure, their intended future and threatened to expose them. Through law-fare, media disinformation and political warfare from January 6th, that campaign continues to this day.

In Europe, the situation was also turbulent with the UK voting to leave the European Union because of the threat that the EU posed to its sovereignty. The elites always want control. The EU was, after all, born of the Bilderberg Group as an experiment in global governance. What many in the UK came to understand, was that EU laws are made by a cabal of unelected commissioners in Brussels, appointed in secret by EU governments.

The elected Members of the European Union only have the power to say yes or no to a law; they have no role in deciding new laws beyond that. With immigration policy especially at the fore, the UK had had enough of hardships brought about by the unelected few.

In the years since 2016, we have seen a major shift in the concept of democracy by the ruling elites from the freedom and voting of the population, to the need to protect the institutions that protect the fabric of society. Of course, those institutions are those mentioned earlier as being controlled by the global elite. We are now told that populism is anti-democratic to those who wish to gain ultimate power over people and install a one world government.

While the populism revolt did not highlight new players, it did show the Deep State and globalist players in plain sight, and the power dynamics with which they can develop a one world government.


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