House Bill 1193

Aiding and Abetting Globalist Agendas.

By Mary Otto-Chang

Globalist agendas are marshalling ahead,

With items in House Bill 1193, being a few – of the hundreds of examples –  of the quiet erosion of human and civil rights.  This 117 page House Bill, crafted in 2023 under the 98th South Dakota State Legislature, sets forth a key cornerstone of the Globalist’s Agenda, and that is the ushering in of Central Bank Digital Currency, (CBDC) as it ushers out other forms of currency outside of the Totalitarians control.  As with all legislative changes these days, HB 1193, is not getting the notice it merits, not at all.  Without the brave few voices of the remaining honest politicians, such as Governor Kristi Noem, these watershed documents, which will dictate our future, remain unseen and unheard, completely ignored by the mainstream media. 

“HB 1193 adopts a definition of ‘money’ to specifically exclude cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, as well as other digital assets. At the same time, these UCC revisions include Central Bank Digital Currencies as money,” wrote Governor Noem in her VETO letter. “By expressly excluding cryptocurrencies as money, it would become more difficult to use cryptocurrency. By needlessly limiting this freedom, HB 1193 would put South Dakota citizens at a business disadvantage.”    Governor Noem continues.  “By defining ‘money’ in this proposed way, HB 1193 opens the door to the risk that the federal government could easily adopt a Central Bank Digital Currency, which then may become the only viable digital currency.  At this moment in time, such a government-backed electronic currency has not been created. It would be imprudent to create regulations governing something that does not yet exist. More importantly, South Dakota should not open the door to a potential future overreach by the federal government.” [1]

This silent war is occurring by slight of hand wordsmiths creating the foundations of loopholes and double meanings to permit the globalist agendas to weave their way into the nations legislative frameworks. First into international Guidance Notes, through the United Nations and other bodies, then into the hands of the national policy crafters, directed by those more senior, and then finally into law.  This is being allowed to happen by compromised and corrupt leadership, at all levels, in all sectors,  along with silos of information, daily measures of misinformation to the masses, and nascent and uncaring civil servants and media doing what they do best, which is mindless and opaque obedience to the signature on their paycheck.

Yet did you know that there is something in common amongst all these powerful globalists etching their egos onto our daily lives, through vast authoritative government over reach.  Do you realize that all of their goals and their leaders, their Councils and Committees, their Summits and Think Tanks, their Great Reset and even their Fourth Revolution of Humanity, are in fact a fraud so vast that it is almost unimaginable to fathom.  Not one of these people so actively engineering our society and our future,  were elected into any form of office.  They hold no elected official power at all.  None.  And yet, through endemic corruption, and coercion, the globalists have greatly infiltrated and hold massive influence over dozens of national governments and within key institutions in all sectors, in the USA and worldwide.

And sadly, this is not a case of, “one day, there may be a sort of New World Order”, but rather, that day has almost arrived.   For decades, plans have been made under shadow governments and shadow intergovernmental bodies, injected with endless support from streams of money printed without backing, along with the Big Private Sector wanting in on the take. 

President John F. Kennedy warned repeatedly about any form of secrecy and censorship, and the dangers of this encroachment. 

President George Bush Senior openly declared globalist intentions “In March 1991, President George H. W. Bush spoke to Congress after the end of the Gulf War in Iraq. In his speech, he outlined a “new world order” that had replaced the bipolar politics of the Cold War era.” [2]

America, and all the stuff from which Liberty has risen, is at grave risk.   Its time for all Americans to unite for our America.

To stand for our country, our Land of the Free, our Home of the Brave.  


The South Dakota Freedom Caucus launched an online petition today to stop House Bill 1193, in hopes to draw awareness to an issue they say could be fatal to our economy.


Learn how to take effective action in THIS accompanying article. 

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