Future Cities: Digital Prisons Ahead

How Globalists Plan Our Controlled, Synthetic Urban Future

Discover the Globalists' vision for AI-controlled, transhumanist smart cities.

Urban environments, especially large cities have always been highly important for a nation and its society. From Capitals of government, to transportation and financial hubs, business and market centers and educational and cultural meccas, cities are important to Humanity and house a large percentage of the world’s population too. As such cities are low hanging fruit for Globalists interventions into our futures. Agendas are rolling out towards the AI Controlled Transhumanist New World Order with cities being a big part of it. If the Globalists are successful in their progress towards One World SMART Cities, then within decades, cities will be nothing more than synthetic, cramped, controlled, digital prisons, to “round up” the ordinary people, preserving all natural lands for the elite and their progeny. From the organizations rolling out these dystopian nightmares to their unholy plans and helpers, read here for more information about the dream cities of the Globalists, already planned, to house your ancestors in the not so distance future.

In a two minute video, the eloquent Professor Jordan Peterson, sums up the Plans of the Globalists for their C-40 AGENDA.
Local municipal governmental authorities, in 40 of the world's leading cities, have already been corrupted, captured and coerced into buying into this devious plan. They are already tightly allied and are now undertaking the plan's implementation. Within these digitally controlled and monitored high-tech gulags, urbanites will see big changes in city life. On the roll out, is a strict allowance of three new articles of clothing per person per year, one short-haul flight every three years, a 95% drop in private vehicle ownership, meatless cuisine, among many other things.
SMART Cities: Interview With The Lawyer That STOPPED Digital ID Requirements IN Los Angeles
Learn how he did it, and start asking lawyers in your city to do the same thing using similar resources that may exist. Communities must come together to initiate this, while also trying to stop S.M.A.R.T cities completely. During this interview GREG GLASER explains the surveillance technologies & hidden agenda under the SMART name. This is a detailed guide and highly recommended as a practical and critically important tool. 1.5 Hour video.
SURVEILLANCE- Smart Cities, where ‘authorities’ identify you & track every movement, purchase & contact you make
A short video showing evidence of the Dystopian plans already rolled out. No country thinks this will come to them. Americans better make sure it won't by voting out the current Globalist supporting government. That is a good start.
A short video presenting the crises of farm lands and SMART CITIES. 14 Minute video.
In a 1.5 hour evidenced-based presentation, Journalist Maria Zeee explains everything Americans need to know about "SMART" Cities.
Kate Mason, discusses the Concept of SMART Cities and takes a local perspective to this topic. 15 minutes.
Evidenced-based video of one hour plus, shows how the Globalists are intending to connect Humanity to SMART Cities.